Archive for the '朝礼' Category


木曜日, 7月 30th, 2009


 毎日、終業時に社員は日報を書いています。先日の日報に、「営業のために来社されたお客様が、逆にジットの商品を買って下さり、“こういう不況時に、良いものが求めやすくて大変助かり嬉しいです。” とのお言葉まで頂き、本当に嬉しかった。今後、もっともっとたくさんの皆様に必要とされるようになると確信し、今後の業務を品質最優先でもっともっと頑張ります。」と書いてありました。日報にはその日の行動ではなく、日記のように 「印象に残った事、 感動した事 」を書いて下さい。そしてその感動を 「良かったな」 で終わらせることなく自分で行動してください。



火曜日, 3月 17th, 2009






A badge bearing the slogan “People are the core” was distributed to the executive members of the JIT group. Inferiors exist because their superiors exist. At JIT we do not have employees who think that “since no one is watching this is fine.” No matter where you are, you are a JIT employee. I ask that the executives do not fail to live up to this slogan, that they become the ideal boss for those in their department, and that they act reponsibly. It is all about heart. The state of ones heart will affect how he acts. An assertive or possitive heart is important.

The other day we received a letter from a customer who had recently called our claims department. While on one hand the customer wrote warmly about the enthusiastic, positive response from one of our employees, he also reminded us how few places JIT ink is sold and the inconvenience often caused as a result. To this customer I would like to express my gratitude. I feel very grateful that in the midst of this harsh economy, this customer is still supporting and cheering for us. I would also like to thank the employee who turned this pinch into an opportunity for JIT. A claim truly is a bridge to the customer.

There are still many people who do not know about JIT. For this reason, from now all, all JIT employees will go out on sales calls. Like our sales department, please study about all aspects of the company, from its quality control department to its manufacturing plant.

The other day one of our secretaries celebrated her birthday. I love people like this woman: people who are honest, hard-working, and positive. On April 1st, new employees will enter the company. It is my hope that they will learn from this woman as we all strive forward in JIT.


月曜日, 3月 9th, 2009

 先日、ジットの社内報を見て欲しい、と私の尊敬する株式会社YSKe-com  飯室社長様にお願いしました。すると、新聞社の人をわざわざ呼んでくださり、細かく小さなことまで指摘していただきました。本当にありがたく、感謝しています。有難うございます。読んでいただける人の立場になって考える。良いものはまねをする。本当に日々勉強だということを痛感致しました。もっともっと良いものを作っていくために社員と一緒に精進していきます。


Making Change

People must change every day. With the exception of our founding principles and creeds, if we do not make daily changes in everything around us, we will be useless as a company. Starting today, we are going to daily change where people stand during morning assembly. Even if the place you stand changes only a little, your perspective and the feeling around you will change. This applies to everything: life, cleaning, manufacturing, accounting, etc. Beginning today, employees will work toward daily change, increasing their awareness and changing how they work and this attention to change will soon become a habit for them. The results of this will be most visible in your ability to recognize things around you. I ask my employees, therefore, to think for yourselves as we move forward together.

The other day, I asked a person I very much respect – President Imuro of YSKe-com – to take a look at JIT’s company newsletter. I also asked a newspaper reporter to point out any problem, no matter how minute, that he noticed. I am so very grateful to these two people. Thank you very much. It is important to think about things from the perspective of others and to mimic the good that you see. Therefore, we are focused on daily study. In order that we may be able to create ever better products, I will work dilligently with my all of my employees.

Everything costs money, from the return boxes that we send out to the recycled ink that we use. Even the mistakes that occur on the line cost money. It is frustrating when a problem occurs in a product and it is thrown away. Therefore, we hereby enact budgetary control in the manufacturing department and will curtail as much as possible the production of faulty products. I therefore ask my employees to have a heart that treasures the value of even just one cent or one product.

Whether I am in the office or not, please work at changing things everyday. Thank you.


金曜日, 3月 6th, 2009




Regarding Problems that have Arisen

Problems do not develop suddenly; therefore, it is good to be able to spot problems [before they occur]. Small, insignificant problems will become big problems if they are not discovered and these big problems can cause difficulties for the continuation of a company. Detecting a problem is not a bad thing; on the contrary, it is important to courageously confront the problem and to work ahead one step at a time.

In response to a recent training course I gave, one of my employees wrote in her daily report, “Obedient frankness, I believe, does not mean simply saying ‘Yes, yes’ to everything but rather refers to the act of honestly communicating your emotions and opinions.” Indeed, it is important for everyone to share their opinions, to contribute to group discussion, and to take in each others’ opions as we move forward. Moreover, it is important to create an atmosphere in which even the part-time employees feel they can voice their opinions, something that until now has been lacking, or so I was recently told. I was moved by one employee who vowed that from now on, he would speak clearly and definitively rather than implicity and that he would be quick in his reports and replies.

We cannot change either the past or other people. It is important that we recognize the importance of each thing. A single cartridge holds the hard work and persistence of the sales department as well as the cooperation with and support from the entire company. The thoughts and feelings of many fill each cartridge we make. A minute passed is time that cannot be regained. Similarly, if you save even just one penny at a time it will turn into a tremendous fortune. Yesterday is already different from today.

Please, in order for us all to create a good company, for us all to be truly happy, let us not look back but rather ahead as we move forward together.


木曜日, 3月 5th, 2009




Everything is Man

A little problem, a slight miss by even one person, can result in the collapse of an entire company. All problems, both small and large, come down to human error. Everything comes down to man: the person who causes the problem, the person who thinks, “It’s just me so it’s not a big deal.” It is important for all of us to be vigilant with ourselves.

As I was cleaning the bathroom recently, I noticed many areas that showed a lack of consideration for others or an ambivalence towards appearances: toilet paper left with the ends not folded into a triangle, filth, etc. These things are not restricted to the bathroom but are noticable in the lunch room and people’s clothing as well. If you have dirtied something, clean it up immediately. Failures happen to everyone; therefore, what is important is that you are able to rectify the problem immediately.

From Employee’s Daily Reports
The other day, the employee who recently failed at properly greeting her superiors wrote in her daily report that she had come to realize that her attitude toward work (“I’m working hard so isn’t that enough?”) was nothing more than a self-justification. Realizing how selfish she had been, this employee was embarrassed by her behavior. I was very happy to see that she had thought about her behavior and, looking at those around her, stepped back in line with all the other employees.

Another employee wrote about his realization that everything is connected. We hold JIT – in particular its emphasis on greetings and gratefullness – in our hearts. Therefore, the passionate words of these employees that showed emphasis on the present made me very happy. Nothing can come from a lukewarm or apathetic group. An honest, straightforward heart is one of passionate feelings. It is one that progresses as if its life were on the line.

We were able to regain our customer’s trust that we had lost recently due to an error on our part. It will always be like this.

As always, live today as well with your entire being, fighting your weaknesses and going foward with all your strength.


水曜日, 3月 4th, 2009





There is always someone watching you no matter where you are – whether you are driving in your car or walking on the sidewalk – and even from the back a person can discern what type of mood you’re in. If you do not lift your eyes to what is around you, those who see you will worry that something has happened. Please be aware of your effect on others and seek to energize those around you.

For humans, there are three things that if we do not have we worry or feel frustrated. The first of these is money. In particular, the running out of money. Ten years ago, I myself suffered a big financial loss when I purchased a large portion of JIT shares. However, money is something that can always be regained or increased so long as you work hard.

The second major worry in life is loss of credit or trust. The problem these week relates directly to this. But although regaining someone’s trust takes a lot of time, as long as you are alive, so long as you have life, you can restore others’ faith in you.

More important than these two, however, is courage. If those in positions of power lose their courage, those below them will worry. No matter what happens or what the situation, please be bold and be a person who can act with courage. The courage to act is the courage to do.

The other day, all employees submitted reports responding to JIT’s loss of credit with one of our customers. I was pleased that everyone considered their own position when writing their reports. Above all, I was moved by the reports from our net department who, realizing that it was their inattention that was the main impetus for this problem, all vowed to do everything they could in order to regain the customer’s trust. The head of our JIT Ceremony wrote that “it is important for the management staff to come together and voice their true opinions on matters and even to fight. Even if the approach is different, the goal is still the same: to fight with all our strength. A lukewarm group can only retreat. I will act as if my life depends on it.” His passionate words moved me.

I ask that all of you as well be courageous and act immediately. Our slogan this year is: “Honest heart.” In other words, we advocate an active, positive spirit. Such a spirit will be powerful and passionate. Please, everyone, live right now, today, with your entire being.


火曜日, 3月 3rd, 2009






The other day, Yamato Supermarkets introduced JIT products as well as set up return boxes in their stores. I feel that this is an example of the relationship between people and the confidence both sides have in that relationship. Thank you, Yamato Supermarkets. We here at JIT will also work hard to be of service to Yamato Supermarkets. We will cherish our partnership and good relations.

People are often “all talk, no action.” They have no sense of the current crisis facing us. They work by themselves without paying attention or helping those around them. However, the relationship and harmony between people is important. Do not be the type of person who only makes requests of others without doing anything in return. Remember: all things are connected. This morning when I arrived to work, I saw one of the new employees already at her desk working and was quite moved. However, although her early arrival to work impressed me, she failed to greet her superiors as they arrived. While work is important, here at JIT we value greetings even more than personal work. It is my hope that this employee will remember our first creed and will fulfill these everyday obligations.

Recently, the problem of distrust from our customers toward JIT has developed and the situation has become truly grave. The fault is entirely mine. This week we will act in order to earn back the trust that we lost and to ensure that such a thing does not happen again.

JIT is a company that creates people. People that can only work are not needed in our company: what we do need are people who can be reliable in everyday things such as greetings, honesty, etc. If our products are unnecessary, so is the work of our production department. Work will cease for our quality control group. Accounting will become obsolete. General affairs, personnel, recruitment will all become irrelevant. When that happens, the company will crumble. All the people working together will no longer be necessary. All things are based on the trust between and among people. Even if there is no money, it is still important to have trust. Remember: a crisis is an opportunity. I ask that you wholeheartedly do whatever you can. I and the management will first embrace a sense of crisis and act from a firm foundation as we communicate JIT ideas to those around us.


月曜日, 3月 2nd, 2009






I feel the pinch in our currently low selling power. The thing we can do right now is study. The present is a result of the past; the future, likewise, is a result of the present.

Why was JIT established? At JIT we hold courses and meetings specifically for the purpose of understanding both this and the general thoughts of the president. It is my hope that employees will see and hear my talks themselves, obtaining the information directly through firsthand experience, and then continue on in study.

On February 28th, we held the first JIT information meeting of the year. Roughly 50 college seniors attended, as well as many of JIT’s part time and full time employees. My 21 year old son and 19 year old daughter also attended, bringing the totle to roughly 140 people. Many of the students who attended told me that they were impressed by the greetings they received from JIT employees. A greeting brings cheer and energy to those who see or hear it; therefore, anyone who is able to wholeheartedly greet others will surely move those who see or hear it. To all of my employees, thank you.

Currently, God is testing me in order that JIT might establish a more solid footing. I will conquer this trial and shall continue to progress. Everyone, while we are in the midst of this period of low sales, please study and focus on the quality of our products. Our full time staff currently alternates weekly between using their days off for vacation or for work, in particular telephone support. However, this month everyone is going to focus on sales, the reasons being: 1) if we cannot sell our leftover inventory, we cannot continue; and 2) so that everyone may know what it means to actually do sales.

Once a week at morning assembly, the results of our DoubleJet customer surveys are announced to all employees. This is done so that everyone might know what customers are using, what their thoughts were about our products, and so that we can reform any areas that need improvement. We do this both to bring happiness to people around the world as well as become a company that they need. The purpose of JIT Ceremony is to provide services to those living in Yamanashi prefecture; JIT Recycled Ink, however, seeks to provide service to all of Japan. Our goal for DoubleJet is even larger: to provide service to people around the world. This is why we hold JIT information meetings and why we are currently recruiting new employees. I ask tha as members of Team JIT, you introduce JIT and its philosophies to everyone you know, whether family members or acquaintances. Thank you.


木曜日, 2月 26th, 2009





A Story from Morning Ceremony

[from the JIT president]
Mr. Hasegawa, chairman of a local Buddhist sect, visited JIT’s office the other day. This was the third time I met Mr. Hasegawa, a man who at 68 years old is the same age my father would be were he still alive. My understanding is that in addition to his work overseeing the repair work on the temple, he also routinely visits companies to talk to the employees about what Japan really is. This time fate brought him to JIT’s morning assembly where he spoke to all the employees about his experiences and his thoughts. I am truly grateful to Mr. Hasegawa.

[excerpt from Mr. Hasegawa's speech]
“The reason Japan is called a wonderful country is because the areas of Japan – the land and soil that we grew up on – are magnificent. It is because of the attitudes or ways of thinking that our ancestors created and promoted for hundreds of years: sympathy, passion, a joining or meeting of hearts, comroderie, ‘Thank you,’ a grateful heart, and ‘nature.’ The air, breathing, your life, everyone’s life: these things are all connected. It is from here, from this land in which we were born and raised, that we will expand out into the world.

Where is Japan? Japan is in each of us. It is not in what we make. Whether I am good or bad, Japan and the future of this country are in me. Japan is in each of you as well. JIT’s propsperity is linked with the prosperity of all of Japan: not only its people but its land as well. Conversely, everyone is supporting JIT as well. Without exception, all of us – the land, Japan, JIT, and each of us – are connected. It is not a question of who: we are all connected. Therefore, even if only a little, please move forward. The radiance of all of your souls will become the future of Japan.

At Minobusan, we practice Nichiren Buddhism. We chant greetings and words of gratitude to our respected ancestors. The patron saint of Nichiren believed that through Buddhism he could make Japan sparkle, its people happy, and the country prosper. Thinking about Japan, I also value the workers and hope to contribute to the people. I am grateful to all of JIT employees and ask you to work together with the president of JIT for the prosperity of the company.”

[from the JIT president]
I am truly grateful to Mr. Hasegawa for his passionate speech. The employees who got to spend half a day accompanying Chairman Hasegawa around said that they were truly moved and impressed by his words and that they felt it was a good opportunity for study. It is difficult for me to put into words but my heart was shaken so much that I cried and I am so very grateful that fate brought him here to JIT so that we could meet and talk.

All things truly are up to us. Please remember this and live with your whole being, communicating to people throughout the world your ideas and feelings.


水曜日, 2月 25th, 2009



The Importance of Manegerial Creeds

The other day I went to Tokyo for study. For over five and a half hours I listened to the speeches of many people. The problem in politics is that although Japan is called a third rate country, its economy is first rate. The reason for this stems from Japan’s heart and from its creeds.

I believe that the Japanese economy is unique in that many of its companies’ top employees cherish creeds. America, with its emphasis on the here and now and on results, caused this problem that currently affects the entire world. Toyota, representative of Japan, is pulling the world’s economy. A company with a firm knowledge of why it was founded, what direction it is headed in, and with creeds is a strong company. Creeds support the economy.

After looking at the data provided by a research team in Kyoto, in seems that, contrary to companies without creeds, an overwhelming number of companies with management creeds are able to avoid bankruptcy. However, there are companies that do fail despite having creeds. They are the companies in which workers only know and can say the creeds. Such companies will collapse. Companies that can explain their creeds when new employees arrive or to family and friends are strong, lasting companies. Moreover, companies in which communication among the president and the management is strong will be companies that grow and are vital to the world. The most important thing is that the president and executives are able to act according to the creeds. Companies that contradict their creeds will collapse.

Why was JIT founded? Why does JIT Ceremony exist? Why are we alive?

Your actions are important for the sake of Minami Alps City, for Yamanashi prefecture, and for Japan as well as for the sake of JIT becoming an important company. Failures at work are inevitable; however, people who speak out against the creeds or who cannot follow them are a problem. We do not need people like that.

Today I ask that you properly and energetically greet people and that you smilingly give your all in work.