Archive for the '朝礼' Category


水曜日, 1月 7th, 2009




御得意様へ新年のご挨拶にお伺いしましたときに社長が見せた緊迫した表情、創業以来の最低売上だという話、また、私の尊敬するYSK e-comの飯室社長から、今年は慎重に物事を進めるようにというお言葉をいただき、本当に大変な年だと感じています。


Resuming Work

It is said that the current economic slump happens once every hundred years. It is a natural phenomenon that, I believe, is God’s way of teaching humans to be less fanciful in how they treat money. As I have said before, humans are not solitary creatures. We learn how to value our ancestors, how to cherish our families, and how to treasure interpersonal relationships. We have progressed from the Agricultural Age into the Industrial Age and from there into the Information Age, finally to arrive at the current Psychological Age. I believe that God has given us this period of poor economy in order for us to return to the Agricultural Age in which people thought first about what they most needed.

I first really took notice of myself three years ago and doing so, really began to study and create the JIT spirit. Looking back, it seems that the JIT spirit has finally permeated into my very center and it is this JIT spirit and its principles and creeds that is woven throughout all of JIT. I truly feel very lucky.

2009 is a year of opportunities for JIT. If all employees are to work toward a common goal, the JIT team spirit and harmony are vital. There is a saying in Japanese that I believe very strongly which, when put in terms of JIT, says that no matter how much someone exceeds my expectations, if he cannot understand the spirit of JIT then he cannot work here. From even one person with a different path, a large gap will develop and the company will crumble. Therefore, to my employees I ask that you firmly hold the JIT spirit in your heart as you move forward.

This year, Manager Shin – a man from China who has become like a younger brother to me – purchased an apartment in China; however, he recently came to our headquarters to work. In order for workers to ban together, there must first be understanding among the executives of what their purpose is. I cannot by myself get through this crisis. Rather, we have gathered all of Team JIT together.

When I made the New Year’s rounds to our closest customers, I saw tense faces on the presidents, I heard stories about the lowest points in companies’ histories, and from YSKe-com’s president I was told to proceed with caution this year. Through this, I truly felt how difficult this year is going to be.

However, as I have said before, we will turn this crisis into an opportunity for JIT. We continue in our sponsorship of Ventforet and in our efforts to energize Yamanashi and bring happiness to the rest of the world through our recycled ink and DoubleJet products. Therefore, we are current accepting applications for employment at JIT and seek people who are reliable in everyday matters. JIT is a company that nurtures and creates people needed for the time they are in. With the thought of a laughter-filled New Year’s party next year, let us work hard this coming year. Thank you.


火曜日, 1月 6th, 2009




Being Severe With People

Things that anyone can do, such as give a warm greeting, are important. Children watch how whether you are able to routinely greet people, wherever you meet them, and will mimic your actions. Both good and bad behavior are noticed and imitated. It is my hope to become a good model for others.

At JIT, just as in elementary school, morning assembly is a time for training and study. Therefore, I ask my employees to please use this time to take a careful look at yourself. Even those employees who work to the utmost of their ability will lose credibility if they do not abide by the laws. Humans are all easy on themselves: I do not believe there is one person who can truly be strict with himself. Nevertheless, we must be strict with those around us. Please have the courage to caution others when they make mistakes or do things they should not do.

The other day, I heard NAITO, a recently victorious boxer, say that “no matter how much others praise me, I want to keep practicing and get stronger. There are many points [about my performance] that I should reflect on.” Whether in sports or at a company, if you become satisfied with your current condition and think, “This is good enough,” you will fall. To use a baseball analogy, no matter how many home runs you have hit, no matter how many games you have won, it is still important to keep aiming higher, always setting the bar higher.

In this next year, please be someone who is strict with himself and others and who spends his time in a worthwhile manner.


金曜日, 12月 26th, 2008


家族の“死”には、残された人たちへの思い、気持ちがそこにあります。義父を亡くした社員の義理父は愛煙家の私に自分の死を通じて煙草が与える身体への影響を身を持って伝え、娘への思いを託したのだと思います。また、結婚して7年間子供が授からなかったのですが義父が亡くなりできた新たな命は、かわいい娘のために、授けたのだと思います。偶然は、ありません。人の命は必ず『何か』を伝えます。その『何か』を伝えることを使命にジットセレモニーがあります。 『人は心』 目に見えない思いが大切です。





木曜日, 12月 25th, 2008





来年は、どこの企業も厳しいです。日頃から危機感を持って、ジットの理念通りにできているかで決まります。『景気よし、不景気なお良し』 ジットは創業の精神で来年も行動します。

Reflections and Predictions

It was with JIT’s creeds and goals in mind that DoubleJet was created. Through DoubleJet, we offer customers trust and peace of mind. Therefore, I ask that all of my employees to commit themselves to DoubleJet.

As I looked back on the winter bonus interviews and read through employee’s year-end reflections, I felt the growth of our new employees and was so happy I smiled. I believe that it is at work that humans grow with the supervisors becoming their parents and teachers. When new employees enter the company this coming spring, the current new employees will become elders. I hope that they will seek to become teachers and people who work to refine their lives and values.

One employee recently wrote in her daily report that the chance of something changing when you say or do nothing is very small. I agree. In fact, in one of our creeds we say that “reform and improvement are endless.” In her report this new employee’s


水曜日, 12月 24th, 2008







What I Realized from Cleaning and Training

Today I ask that everyone go home at the scheduled time and spend this Christmas Eve with their family and friends.

In front of my office I have placed books that I have read and enjoyed. It is my hope that employees will take advantage of our lending program and read these books. To aid this, we have created a system wherein employees can write down their name and what book they borrowed.

The Importance of Cleaning
At JIT, it is our policy to have new employees clean the bathrooms every morning for the first three months of work. It is my hope that this period will teach them to recognize various things about themselves for cleaning is not only a matter of cleaning what is visibly dirty. To put it another way, I believe that a person’s caliber is seen in the way they approach cleaning. For example, in cleaning the toilet, you clean all the way to the back of the lid. The same applies to the slippers. If you pay attention, you will see that there are many places that should be cleaned.

Those who cannot clean to such a degree are worthless and it is for this reason that parents, schools, regional associations, and companies are training everyone. One’s academic background and age are irrelevent. Here are JIT, we raise employees to be people who can clean and properly greet each other.

It is the supervisors who create those who work under them. If the supervisors, like ordinary people, have imperfections, their departments will also have those imperfections. At JIT it is our aim to not have such failures. I want supervisors who, even if they are incompetent in their work, are able to clean properly and notice things such as umbrellas left open in the umbrella stand or heating left on in empty rooms. I want supervisors who willingly read books and study.

In the midst of the current economic crisis in which many companies are facing bankruptcy and hundreds of workers are being laid off, there are many people who have told me that they would like to work at JIT. I believe it is because this period is a chance for JIT. So please feel JIT’s creeds throughout your entire being and value every second of every minute of your life.

The People Around You
People cannot live by themselves alone: without the support and encouragement of those around you, you will not survive.

Recently, I read a book about the ability of man to affect those around him by voluntarily and actively performing his duties and greeting others. One of JIT’s section chiefs recently attended a week-long training seminar where he realized the importance or significance of his influence. I believe that the ability to recognize one’s own weaknesses and strengths is far greater than acknowledging them once someone else has pointed them out. Hopefully once you notice and recognize your shortcomings, you will seek to change them.

An employee who attended a recent morning seminar told me that listening to my talk, he became aware of his behavior towards those close to him and his own selfish arrogance. Similarly, another employee decided that he wanted to tackle work like I do: with a strong mind.

JIT Transformations
One employee recently reported that our sales staff, in preparation for the over-the-counter demonstration sale, had been neglecting to think about what kind of preparation was necessary or what should be done. However, during the course of the preparations, they realized this shortcoming and began following JIT creeds as they continued preparations.

At JIT, I offer employees training courses and introduce them to books I think are good. I hope that they use these opportunities to reflect on themselves, to change, and to mature.


火曜日, 12月 23rd, 2008

『創業の精神』 『経営理念』は、ジットという会社をつくった基です。『創業の精神』 『経営理念』があるから、ジットがあります。そして、会社があるから、私がいられるのです。


Personal Freedom

The foundation of JIT rests on the principles it was established under and on its current creeds. It is because of these that JIT exists. Furthermore, it is because this company exists that I am able to exist.

Although we recite these principles and creeds every morning, people are concentrating too much on remembering and saying them correctly that in their face, their eyes, and their posture is an emptiness. Their heart is absent and, therefore, their appeal as well. If a company is to grown, if its human resources are to increase, it needs people who are humane, respectful, reliable, and who provide a sense of security. To be respected, to be reassuring, to win the esteem of others all begins with oneself. To talk loudly and communicate your ideas is your choice.

The goals of a weak-hearted person are small and he will set up reasons for his failure. It is my hope that all of you will be strong and persevere in your quest for success. With an adventurous spirit, tackle your work cheerfully, beginning early in the morning.


月曜日, 12月 22nd, 2008

私たちが今、こうして生きていられるのは、両親がいて、先祖があるからです。だから、先祖に感謝することは大事なことです。会社も、『創業の精神』があるから『経営理念』ができました。夢があるから人生があるのです。『経営理念』があるから会社があるのです。私は、あと何年かすれば命は尽きてしまいます。しかし、このジットグループがある限り、『創業の精神』 『経営理念』は永遠に続きます。『創業の精神』 『経営理念』は、会社の先祖です。

社員の皆さんは、この『創業の精神』 『経営理念』をしっかり心から覚えるようにしてください。まだ覚えられていない人は、会社の先祖である、『創業の精神』 『経営理念』を“言えない”ということを、自分自身でしっかり認識してください。幹部社員が新入社員、一般社員よりも多く給料をもらっているのは、その分部下や周りに目配り、気配りをするためです。

A Heart that Cherishes Its Ancestors

The foundation of a company is the spirit with which it was established and its management principles. The reason we are here today and able to continue is because of our parents and ancestors; therefore, it is important that we are grateful to those who have gone before us.

Similarly, a company’s management principles exist because of the spirit with which the company was founded. Dreams exist because people exist. A company exists because management principles exist. I do not know when, but eventually I will cease to exist; however, as long as the JIT group exists, its founding spirit and management princples will continue. They are the company’s ancestors.

I ask that all of my employees take this to heart and do not forget it. To those that still cannot remember our slogans and creeds, please note this failing in yourself. The executives, those who earn more than the new employees or regular employees, do so because they are attentive to the things around them. They immediately do what they have been told. Hard-working people will, not matter what the task, work hard at it. People who pay attention will notice not only the big things but the trivial things as well. It is my hope that all of my employees will become such people. Today let us once again perform our duties in the spirit of these principles.


日曜日, 12月 21st, 2008







Challenge the Present

Personal Responsibility
The other day, the lights were once again left on and someone had forgotten to lock the doors. No matter what, it is important to be aware and pay attention. If you do not as routine double check things, you will not succeed. Furthermore, if you always say “right now is enough,” problems will arise.

There are two types of people: successful people and unsuccessful people. Unsuccessful people – or to put it another way those who will not succeed – are those who think only of themselves and what will suit them. If a problem occurs – whether in their environment, their work, or their social circle – they blame it on those around them and believe that failure now is fine so long as they try the next time. This kind of person will not change because the problems all lie within himself. If you do not challenge each moment with all your might, no matter where you go or how much time passes, nothing will change.

Recently, one of the salesmen responsible for visiting Yamanashi prefecture businesses wrote in his report about a recent sales trip during which he met several people who knew and inquired after his father. The conversations he had with these men made him realize how many people were supporting him and how important his father was.

No matter the person, everyone has parents. No matter what kind of parents you have, your existence is dependent on them. You cannot remove them from the equation. It is my hope, therefore, that we can all feel some measure of gratitude toward our parents and their role in our existence.

Human Power
Company growth means an advancement in the strength of its people. If a boss cannot manage other people, he is not a true boss for management equals the strength of the person. Their position or power rests not on how many years they have been with the company but rather on their ability to challenge themselves. Even if you say you have worked for a long time, if you cannot manage other people, it will be impossible for you to become a supervisor. Please fulfill your role.

Every morning I am greeted by my employees; however, it is those employees who call out their greetings in loud, cheerful voices and whose attitude is pure that bring the greatest feeling. If you listen to these cheerful greetings going on around you and see the warm feelings generated by them, you will feel energized.

The employee interviews for winter bonuses ended on Friday. During these interviews, employees reflected on how well they had done in achieving the goals they set for themselves last year. This year the goal was for everyone to be able to recite our creeds and slogans; however, there were two employees who were unable to do this. Moreover, of these two people, one employee found memorization of these principles distasteful and decided to resign. Although this is a sad event, our paths were different and I hope that this man who is leaving JIT will steadily advance as he follows his own path. As for the other person, his second interview is coming up now.

Finally, to those employees who came to work today despite it being a vacation, thank you.


金曜日, 12月 19th, 2008




環境とは、人づくりだと私は考えています。当たり前のことを当たり前にすること、“もったいない” “次の人のために”良かったと思ってもらえるように、仕事がしやすいように、という気持ちをもった人を育てることが大事だと思っています。環境の仕事は、当たり前のことを当たり前にできる人を育てること。ジットにあるたくさんの使命の中でも、この1年を通して強く感じたことのひとつです。

With a Pure Attitude

There are only two weeks left in 2008. For the part-time workers who worked so hard this entire year, I am extremely grateful. It is my hope that I am able to thank each of them, one by one, at the upcoming year-end party. Moreover, at our mid-term meeting to discuss the vision of JIT, we made part-time workers the heart of JIT.

We recently received a thank-you letter from the students of a local school who recently visited JIT as part of a hands-on training lesson. In the letter, they expressed appreciation for the loud greetings and the attention employees showed to keeping the area around them clean. We also received a letter from Ookochi Elementary School whose students recently came for a tour through our factory. As I looked at these letters, I felt very happy, both as the owner of JIT and as simply myself. Thank you very much.

Carpe Diem
Fukuzawa Yukichi once said, “In all the world, the most wonderful thing is to hold the same job for one’s entire life.” I absolutely agree. In life there are many unknowns. For instance, no one knows how long he will live. Moreover, at many of the major companies lately, restructuring and downsizing has begun in reaction to the current economic crisis. Life is uncertain. It is, therefore, important for us to live every day of every second right now to its fullest. What you can do today, do today.

I believe that humans make their circumstances and therefore it is important to raise people who do what they are supposed to, who are not wasteful, who think of other people, etc. Enviromental work means raising people who will naturally do what they need to do. At JIT, we have many mission statements or slogans but among these there is one thing that impressed me above all others: the honest reactions of children. Their smiles and laughter can bring happiness to those around them.

To everyone reading this, I hope that like children you are able to do your work today obediently and cheerfully.


木曜日, 12月 18th, 2008









2008 Eco Products Exhibition

This past week, JIT participated in the 2008 Eco Products exhibition (Tokyo, Dec. 11~13th) in which JIT was able to participate Although I was only able to attend for a short time, I truly enjoyed myself.

As I walked around the exhibition, looking at booths of various companies, it struck me that humans are like these booths in that both have put up walls around themselves. In the case of humans, it is a way to shut oneself away from others. But I believe it is important to remove this shell, to be yourself, to be human.

Looking back at this year’s display, there were many points that bear reconsideration. Why did JIT participate in this year’s exhibition? We cannot be happy merely because we participated.

It is people who are the core. Contrary to many of the companies who put a lot of money into their booths, JIT emphasized its employees’ “smile, attitude, and voice” in their interaction with those who visited our booth. Nevertheless, we hope to create an even better booth next year.

I would here like to compare “Team JIT” to a number one baseball team wherein the sales personnel and internet staff are our main players. In order to be a steady force, the quality needs to be checked and support needs to be given. Manufacturing produce good products and accounting, HR, and general affairs will all work hard for our sales personnel. Sales must, therefore, absolutely accomplish their goals.

We are currently in the process of recruiting personnel for our DoubleJet factory. However, if DoubleJet is not successful, those workers will not be necessary. Although obtaining a patent is a common enough thing, it took us three years of struggle to finally get the patent for DoubleJet. Why were were finally successful? It is because success was our objective. The people who are successful in life are those who work ceaselessly until they achieve success. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, will give up, blaming their failures on those around them and their circumstances.

During the interviews before bonuses are handed out, I hope to be able to tell everyone, “You worked hard. Well done.” In order for work to become my employee’s raison d’etre, for JIT’S revenue to be a source of happiness for them, I will be an even stronger leader. If there is someone with a different objective here, small problems will become large problems. One by one, we must achieve our objectives and today, just as every other day, stress the importance of quality in our products.