


3rd Annual Mid-Term Management Strategy Presentation Meeting, 2009
On January 10th, JIT held its 3rd annual meeting to discuss our management strategies. I was privileged to introduce Mr. Tanaka – a man I met 3 years ago – and Mr. Naito – one of the managers at HPD – as well as talk about my life before meeting these men and how grateful I am to everyone around me. I truly am a lucky man and will not lose to adversity. On the contrary, I will fulfill my thoughts. The possibilities are endless. It is with these feelings, the appreciation of both good and bad economies, and the determination to turn the current economic crisis into a chance for JIT that we began 2009. Much like a turtle, last year we progressed one sound step at a time. I am very grateful to all those who accompanied and worked alongside me during this time. Thank you.
When I started JIT eighteen years ago, my goal at the time was the construction of a head office. Next, when JIT Ceremony was established, my goal was to build halls around Yamanashi prefecture. For me, once one goal is about to be accomplished, I begin setting the next goal. Once I have a new goal, I declare it in front of everyone for if I tell others my goals, I will certainly act in a way to achieve them. Even though I say such grand things in front of others, though, in my heart I worry to the point of headaches and insomnia. Yet even though I am a man of weak nerves and fears, for the sake of everyone around me, I want to leave proof of the hard work of myself and those around me here at JIT. Specifically because our current situation is so severe, we must treasure our families, workers, and friends. The managers and I must aim more and more for a mutual understanding of our purpose here at JIT and must act in accordance with JIT’s creeds.
JIT Ceremony was made for the sake of everyone in Yamanashi prefecture. It is JIT Ceremony that boasts “good people, good facilities, and good prices.” From the Yamanashi ground beneath our feet, JIT contributes to the region through its funeral services, to Japan through its recycling, and to the world through DoubleJet. This will be JIT’s time. 2009 will be a lucky year for JIT. With those teachers we have met and those we are bound to meet, with our full-time employees and our part-time employees, we will work together to meet this once in a lifetime opportunity.
With a hope of energizing even just a little Yamanashi prefecture, JIT became Venforet’s official uniform sponsor. This year is our chance to hear people say, “I’m glad JIT exists.” At both the prefectural and local levels, we are working to support the activation of Yamanashi. Currently, recycled ink accounts for approximately 9% of the ink in Japan, with JIT’s share only 4% of that. This is our chance to sell a high-quality product that is good both for the environment and the wallet: the creation of DoubleJet was the birth of a product the world did not have. In the midst of such a severe crisis as we face now, we are able to make DoubleJet customers happy by providing them a high-quality product as a lower cost than other ink manufacturers. We will bring our customers happiness. That is why we give such high priority to the quality of our product and why we have advisors and teachers here at the office: so that we can offer a perfect product. JIT employees do not work here because of the money. With the intention and mission to offer DoubleJet throughout the world, we are tackling the development of this product. Although Yamanashi is a rural area, it is from here that we will turn towards the rest of the world.
Manager Shin, although he only recently purchased a new apartment house in China, recently came to our headquarters to be by me as my right-hand man. I was very honored by his declaration that “it is because of the JIT president that I am who I am today.” This year is a contest to see how much our full-time and part time employees can bad together. I believe that if there is no adversity in a person’s life, he will not mature. To what extent are your self-motivated? Can you surmount barriers in your way? Success depends on these things. DoubleJet is JIT’s dream and we will continue to put our strength into developing this product. It is my hope that anyone at all connected to DoubleJet – whether they merely pick it up, buy it, use it, manufacture it, or sell it – will enjoy and be excited by our product. Quality is a man-made thing. It is my hope, therefore, that you will all polish not the product but yourselves. How well can your communicate your thoughts? More than your words, it is important that your thoughts be passionate for if they are, you will surely be able to relay them to others. This blog is my attempt to communicate my thoughts to many people. As a deputy of JIT, I believe that I need to study much more.
The JIT corporation is a public entity of the world. With the goal of enlarging our factory, we plan to purchase the land surrounding our headquarters. After 9 years, when I am 53, my plan is that I will retire. In 6 years I hope to create a Major League baseball team and stadium here in Yamanashi. Then, in 9 years, I will build a school where adults can study manners, etc. before they enter the workforce, whether here at JIT or elsewhere in Yamanashi. At this year’s management strategy presentation meeting, the head of the Sales department spoke strongly about attaining his goals. Similarly, the head of JIT Ceremony spoke passionately about turning the management creeds into missions.
Team JIT is committed to acting according to our creeds so that we may succeed during this time. I ask here that all my employees, whether part-time or full-time, remember this and act according to JIT creeds. JIT will make products necessary for the times, namely DoubleJet. JIT is a company that cultivates people. My mission is to raise people. I want to increase the number of people who energize and inspire others, who are obedient and honest. JIT’s slogan for 2009 is: “Honest Thoughts.” Let us altogether as Team JIT grasp on to true happiness. There are no limits to either a person’s growth or happiness. All is dependent on oneself.