本日は来年度に向け第三回目の会社説明会があり、77人の学生さんの参加がありました。社員の皆さんも80人あまりの参加もありたいへんにぎやかで嬉しかったです。弊社の会社案内は90分私が『なぜジットを設立したか!なぜジットセレモニーを設立したか!』の想いと 私が経験、体験したことを学生達に聞いていただき、少しでも就職活動今後の人生にプラス、 そして『誰でもやればできること』 行動すること、一歩踏み出す勇気を全力投球で話をさせていただいてます。 そして残りの30分強で学生さんたち全員に感想、意見質問をいただき素直な意見を聞き今後の活動の参考にしています。
毎回アンケート、感想発表では、弊社の社員の明るい元気な挨拶の出迎えに学生さん達は感動し、社長自身が会社を設立した想い、夢に感動していただいています。2時間という時間内ですので会社の内容、細かい説明は1次面接以降で人事担当が話をしています。まずは『ジットを知ってほしい』 『社員を見てほしい』 です。
数年前は2~3人の学生さんの参加でしたが 人事担当社員の県内、県外の学校周り、ガイダンスへの積極参加のおかげです。有難うございます。学生の中には人事の人の熱い想いが、輝いている目が素敵で会社説明会に参加してくれた人もたくさんいます。本当に嬉しいです。毎年5回 今年は後5月29日、9月19日 2回会社説明会をジット甲府プラザで行います、一人でも多くの人にジットを知ってもらいたい、

Before the Decision
At JIT we are currently accepting applications from those looking to start work in 2010. This current [economic] situation is very bleak and you hear stories of companies everywhere no longer accepting applicants. [However, at JIT] people are treasures, they are everything [to us], and we are hoping to hire even more people than we did this year. Specifically in a time such as this, we are hoping for talented, superior candidates. Although we continue to hire people – focusing on those with “unprejudiced, positive hearts” – JIT is no different from other [companies] in terms of this grave [economic] situation. Therefore, rather than spending the first month studying, I want employees to be ready to work from day one. In order for this to happen, I created a “Start Dash” system of various themes and courses that begins once you have made your decision [to join JIT]. This is such a time. Of course, the employees will place on me the same conditions [that I place on them]. I will not receive from employees what they cannot do. This is not a challenge for others but for myself. I hope that employees grow as members of society and as humans in general. That is why I do this. It is frustrating [when employees say they are] made to do something. Act for yourself.
Today nearly 80 college students attended our 3rd company information session of the year. With roughly 80 employees there as well, it was loud and merry. During the 90-minute presentation, I talked about my experiences and how they related to why JIT and JIT ceremony were founded. I spoke with all my heart and soul about positive thinking and being courageous and going forward, even if only a small step at a time. Following my speech, we spent a little over half an hour listening to the frank thoughts and questions from the college students who were there.
In their responses after every info session, students mention being moved by JIT employees’ cheerful greetings and the emotions and thoughts that prompted me to found JIT. Because we only had two hours, information about the company in particular will have to wait until the interviews with the head of personnel. First, though, I wanted them to get to know JIT and to see our employees.
Years ago we only had 2 or 3 students attend our information sessions but thanks to the efforts of the head of our personnel department [our numbers have increased to what we saw today]. Thank you, Mr. AMIKURA. I was so happy to see the spark of passion in students’ eyes.
We have five info sessions every year with the remaining to be held at JIT’s Kofu Plaza on May 29th and September 19th. I hope that no matter what their age, people will come and observe our employees.
I hope to communicate my passionate feelings and [in doing so] enliven Yamanashi and all of Japan.