Archive for 4月, 2009


水曜日, 4月 15th, 2009


 ジットの総務部社員に、勉強の為に会葬案内をしてもらいました。彼女は、葬儀の中で一人浮いていました。会葬に訪れた方々へのお礼のお辞儀も、彼女だけが浅かったのです。セレモニースタッフは、喪主様と一緒に故人と会葬者の心を繋ぎます。ですから自然とご親族と同じ気持ちになります。そうなれば、葬儀中の振る舞いも感謝の気持ちが溢れます。セレモニースタッフとして葬儀に立ち会った事で、彼女はひとつ勉強しました。 冠婚葬祭、どんな時でも『感謝の心』をもつことです。『感謝の心』がなければ想いは伝わりません。 人は心 感謝の心は一番大切です。 


People are the Core 

The other day I attended a funeral ceremony and felt once again that “people are the core.” In the case of a wedding reception, the host will send out invitations for the event; a funeral, however, has no invitation. Rather, the attendees think of the deceased and, with a feeling of gratitude [toward the deceased], voluntarily attend.

This particular funeral witnessed the presence of over one thousand guests and those in attendance could see the humanity that had been present in the deceased as well as was present in his family. It is when a person dies that you can see the proof of his existence. The chief mourners at this funeral came from the deceased father’s generation and told me what a popular, brave, and wonderful man the deceased had been.

We have already mentioned the funeral at which over 3,000 guests were in attendance. Despite the fact that the deceased’s husband had been dead for quite a while, many of his aquaintances also attended her funeral.  It was a truly moving, precious time and I was happy to see the strong sense of duty in those present.  This truly is [an example of] humanity and [the idea of] “people [as] the core.”

[Recently,] one of our general affairs employees studied funeral guidance.  During the course of the funeral, she became separated [from the other Ceremony staff] and her bow to the guests was rather shallow.  Ceremony staff connect the hearts of everyone present – whether the chief mourners, the family, or the deceased – and therefore must naturally feel a sense of kinship with them.  If they can do this, a sense of gratitude will overflow.  This employee studied one aspect of [what it means to be] a Ceremony employee at a funeral.  No matter what the occasion, it is important to have a grateful heart.  If you don’t, your feelings and thoughts will not be communicated.  The most important thing is [to remember that] people are the core and to have a grateful heart.

People are the core.  At JIT we create our products and services from the heart.  Please put your heart and soul into everything you do for it is through visible action that the invisible heart is shown.


火曜日, 4月 14th, 2009

全員集合 『頑張ります!』 



You Can Do it if You Try 

* 1st picture: in the center is the mayor of Minami Alps, next to whom stands Hakushi Kayoko (in pink), the guest runner in this year’s marathon.

This weekend, all JIT full-time employees participated in the Minami Alps Marathon’s 5K. In our group were people who were worried they could not run or even complete the 5K at all. Despite these fears, however, everyone gave their all and completed the race. I was very moved. Before we ran, many whined that they could not do the race and that they were worried they couldn’t run. But with no choice but to do it, they did manage to complete the 5K. There is no meaning in thinking before the race. All that matters is action, a fact that I think everyone realized during the course of the 5K. A marathon is a fight against oneself. The choice of whether to walk or keep running is entirely up to you. Please remember this as you go through your days. The replies “I understand” and “I will act” are completely different. If you try, if you act, you will surely accomplish something. It is truly a shame that JIT Ceremony employees had to work and therefore were unable to participate [but] I am grateful that even those of us who participated in the 5K were able to work. I am very grateful.

*2nd picture: Five of our cute new female employees gathered with us for this picture, taken immediately after finishing the race when we were all brimming over with a sense of accomplishment.

The other day, our entire sales department – from the Tokyo branch to the Osaka, Fukuoka, and Nagoya brances – all gathered at our headquarters [here in Yamanashi]. In this time of recession, our company has become exceedingly strict and rigid. It is our sales team that supports the company. They are number one at JIT. When they sell our products, they make JIT employees and their families, as well as people around the world, happy. If they are unable to sell our products, nothing new can begin. This is what I told our sales department. In order for our sales department to be able to work as hard as they can, the rest of us here at headquarters will back with all our might. What the sales staff says will unconditionally be put into practice. Therefore, do not think but instead just act. It does not matter if you fail: I will take responsibility for it. There is no time for worrying. It is all for action. While our sales staff is out putting their sweat and blood into making sales for us, let all of us go forward together.


月曜日, 4月 13th, 2009



Sense of Crisis

We [here at JIT] can contribute to society through the products that we make that people use. No matter how good are products or employees are, there is no meaning to them if no one buys our products. What are we producing these cartridges for? What is our mission here at JIT?

According to yesterday’s news, yet another business has declared bankruptcy. Despite years of profits, this promising company will soon fade away. We are in a time when simply surviving is difficult for companies. We cannot say that just because we are JIT we will be fine. We must each carry a greater sense of crisis for if we don’t, we will inevitably collapse. Please understand this and feel a greater sense of the crisis [we are facing]. We should not expect a surplus. An inability to achieve our goals is an inability to contribute to society or to bring happiness to either ourselves or our families. Conversely, the achievement of our goals will bring happiness to many people, including ourselves and our families. [Therefore,] please feel this sense of crisis everyday and act [accordingly].


金曜日, 4月 10th, 2009



There are No Insignificant Matters

Recently, I noticed that the back of our office building was not being cleaned very thoroughly and immediately called all the employees together. It is in these rarely seen areas in particular that thorough cleaning must be done.

There were several reasons why I called the employees together: 1) so that they might see for themselves and understand the problem areas; and 2) so that each might take the problem on himself and act on it. Despite the fact that we all clean every morning, not one person noticed [how dirty this area had become]. Remember: there is not one thing that is insignificant, not in your work, in where you are, or in what you are doing. Although our employees understand that all problems are they own issues, no one noticed these problems. This is troubling. Therefore, please raise your level of consciousness, in particular as regards the small things, and act [on what you see]. You must first [train yourself to] notice things earlier.

It is now the season of entrance ceremonies, both into kindergarten and school in general. First years are becoming second years and second years are becoming third years. Likewise, elementary school students are transitioning to middle school while middle schoolers are moving up to high school. In this way, school children are proceeding step by step to the next level, learning to do things they were previously unable to do. Whereas before all you could do was addition, you are now able to multiply and divide. You are improving soundly. The same is true in a company. If you are still doing the same work you did when you entered the company a year ago despite now being a senior employee, there is a problem. You must increase both your workload and your efficiency. Study is a lifetime-long, unending quest. Look ahead, even if only a little at a time, and continue your studies as you move forward.


木曜日, 4月 9th, 2009




Unprejudiced Obedience = Action

If you see something you think is bad, immediately put an end to it. Conversely, if you think something is good, act on it right away. This is “unprejudiced obedience.” Those who notice that something is wrong but out of laziness do nothing about it are problematic. Even if you take the effort to notice what is around you, if you do nothing about it then the problem will only get worse. [Therefore,] instead of thinking, “Why didn’t this work?” instead think about what you can do to make something work. It the fault of neither the company nor of those around you. Everyone’s day is limited to 24 hours. All things are up to the individual. Positives cannot be born out of negative thinking. [Therefore,] I ask that you not forget to always look forward and, with an obedient heart, remember to immediately what what you think is bad and act on what you think is good.

The new employees are currently away on a week-long training course. Despite a 5am departure time, all of the employees were on time and full of energy. I am certain that they will realize many things throughout this week and will come back changed people.

Employees decide their actions by watching those above them. I have a question for the managers: how much work are you entrusting to your inferiors? It’s easy to do things yourself but in doing so you limit the growth of those beneath you. Even if the employee fails, if he is not made to try something he will never understand how to do it. Failure and its accompanying feelings of frustration and embarassment are important, as is feeling a sense of growth or improvement. The work that accumulates each day decides what happens after 6 months, a year, 3 years. Managers, remember this and make sure to communicate with those in your departments.


水曜日, 4月 8th, 2009

 何度も何度も言いますが、生きているのだから問題がないということは絶対にありません。問題がないのは考えていないから。常に目配り、気配り、心配りをしていれば、ちょっとしたことにも気づけるようになります。大きな問題の裏には、29個のかすり傷、その背後には300件のひやっとした問題が隠れているものです。普段から考える癖をつけてください。人が増えたからおろそかになったり、できないということでは困ります。一人一人がルールを徹底すれば問題はありません。一人一人がもう一度自分に厳しく、ルールはルールとして徹底してください。1+1は2ではなく3にも5にもなります。それが人間 輪であり和、環です。



I have said this countless times before but let me say it again: if you are alive, you will face problems for a life without problems is a life without thought. If you life life always watchful, attentive, and thoughtful of what is around you, you will come to notice even the tiniest things. Behind one major problem are 29 smaller problems on the tails of which are 300 problems. [Therefore,] please make it a habit to think [about what is around you]. We have increased in the number of our employees and therefore neglect or incompetence are problematic. If each employee is thorough in his work, there will be no problems. [Therefore,] I ask each employee to be strict with himself and to thoroughly adhere to JIT rules. One plus one does not equal two: it will become three or even five. This is the band among people.

The other day one of our customers paid us a visit here at the offices in Yamanashi. This customer is a daily reader of our company blog and had asked us if it would be all right to come observe our office. I was so happy to hear this and find great joy in the fact that this customer cared about us that much. Moreover, I believe this is the direct result of the straightforward, heartfelt actions of our employees, whether it is the manner in which they receive customers or their sales manners. We will go forward in gratitude, putting our heart and soul into everything we do.

From the bottom of our hearts, we hope that you all will visit JIT’s Yamanashi office. We are waiting to meet you!


火曜日, 4月 7th, 2009




Creating the Heart and Spirit

At morning assembly today, one of our employees -having recently participated in a two-day training course – reported briefly on what she had learned. Although the course was about measurements, on the wall of the building was the phrase, “Before you make something, make the person,” and seeing this slogan, she immediately thought of JIT and our similar teachings. Similarly, during the course of the training, one of the senior members said, “The manufacturing of goods is the production of people.”

This is common to all things. Products are made, decisions are made, and actions are taken by people. The beginning and end of everything is people. [Therefore,] before you make anything, first create your own mind or heart for there is a heart and spirit even in a product. If there is a problem and you lose your composure, a problem will appear in the product as well. [This is why] our company aims for the perfection of our staff over the perfection of products. Before we create the recycled ink products, we create the people who will make them.

I believe that the employee’s realization of these facts is the greatest result [of her attending the study course]. Having entered JIT one year ago, she has become a cute senior [to this year's new employees]. I am always very happy to see steady growth in people. The first step is to create your own spirit. Communicate to your department what you learned at this training course and put these teachings into practice.


月曜日, 4月 6th, 2009



Adversity is Growth

“A crisis is an opportunity.” “One’s strength is [also] his weakness.” Everything in life rests on a fine line. A person’s way of thinking and way of treating others may be completely opposite. Advice is evidence of expectations for nothing will be said to someone of whom there are no expectations. Adversity is growth.

Lately, many companies have dropped down to only 3-4 days of work per week. Within such an enviroment, how long will be able to work, will there be work or scolding? How long can this happiness continue? Please do not foret to be grateful [for what you have right now]. When you are faced with a problem, overcome your worries and in doing so make those around you happy. Remember this, and turn adversity into growth.

“No Overtime Day” is now held every Tuesday. We have three reasons for not doing overtime:
1) that families may go home early and have time to talk with their families and rest their bodies.

2) reduction of costs associated with overtime

3) variation in work

When we say, “everyone go home early,” even just a little earlier than normal is good. It is not good to always do the same thing in the same way. Even if you are doing the same thing, find a way to be faster tomorrow than you were today, even if by only a minute or even a second. If you don’t, you will not progress. In whatever you do, ask yourself how you can increase your productivity. Think about why we discourage overtime and try to go home early every day.


日曜日, 4月 5th, 2009




Last month we achieved our goals for the month. During the month, everyone came together to fix the mistake of one person, thereby allowing us to achieve our goals. One for all and all for one. If you try with all your might, your thoughts and ideas will be communicated to those around you.

Fourteen new employees entered the company today. Let us continue to work together as one, combining our power in order to achieve our goals.

Frustration is an important feeling and there is not one person in the entire world who is not [at one point or another] frustrated. I was also frustrated and embarrassed by my childhood. [However,] because of the mortification and frustration I experienced then, I am who I am today. When you feel frustrated, just remember that frustration is not the end; rather, face your frustration and push past it. Frustrations are opportunities from God. When you feel you are going to lose, remember these times of frustration and fight back. Such moments will help fuel your growth. Do not back down or run away but instead fight. In doing so, chagrin will [slowly] turn into gratefullness.



金曜日, 4月 3rd, 2009



A Frank, Unprejudiced, Obidient Heart is the Best

At morning assembly the other day, I chastised my employees for how they held our company slogan book. Today, however, the majority of employees had corrected how they held the book. It is because they are obedient that they were able to correct their behavior. However, there was one person who still has not corrected his behavior. People who are not flexible are worthless [to our company]. People who are rigid in their thoughts and who spend all their time simply thinking will not change their behavior. A frank, obedient, unprejudiced heart truly is best. If you are dissatisfied with something, say something for if you don’t, no one will understand. Every day an exercise in study. Every day is a battle. Do not lose to your own weaknesses but, little by little, grow and advance. If you do not study, the differences between you and those around you will begin to appear. Do not forget to have an open and obedient mind and heart as we work together.

The other day we celebrated the birthday of one of our accountants. As we get older, the pride we have in ourselves based on what we have experienced can become a hindrance that prohibits us from changing how we do things. But I ask that you do not lose an open, unprejudiced mind and that you always seek to improve yourself.