Archive for 5月, 2009


火曜日, 5月 19th, 2009


  毎日毎日問題が発見されます。昨日も大問題がおきましたがそれを発見した3年生の社員から 『問題自体が怖いものではありません、発見できないことが怖いです。今日もし発見できなかったらお客様のところで同じような問題が発生したらお客様に迷惑をかけることになります。だから発見された問題についてどうやって対応、対策をとるかが大事です。これからも問題を発見して直ぐ対応していきます。』私も気づかされました。これからも成長していく上で、生きていく中で、問題は必ずでます。問題は当たり前。問題を発見することが大切です。ありがたいです。素直な社員が大好きです。

Do Not Give Up

No matter what, it is important to not give up. If you do give up, even those things you were able to do will be impossible. You are alive; therefore, it is a given that there will be many problems and frustrations. If you give up because of that, you will never grow. Problems cannot be settled that easily. Please do not give up after only a brief attempt. If you persevere without giving up, you will certainly achieve [your goals]. The character for “to realize” or “to achieve” is written using the characters for “mouth” and “ten:” in other words, to put into words or to express. Without giving up, express [your goals] and continue to act. “Glad, fun, happiness, love, luck…” No matter what happens, do not give up. Continue to act. Your thoughts will surely be accomplished if you do not give up.

Problems are discovered every day. The other day, [in fact], a major problem developed. However, the 3rd year employee who discovered the issue wrote in her report: “I do not hate the problem itself but I do hate not being able to discover problems. If we hadn’t discovered the problem today, then the customer would have been faced with the same problem as before and this would have caused trouble for him. Therefore, when a problem is discovered, it is important to think about what kinds of responses and counter-measures should be taken. I will continue to respond immediately to problems as they are discovered.” This made me pay attention as well. I will continue to grow as a person [but] while I am alive I will certainly face problems. Problems are a fact of life. It is important to be able to detect problems. I am grateful [to this employee]. I love honest employees.


月曜日, 5月 18th, 2009



Change the Heart

I absolutely will not demote someone because of a failure. Demotions [do happen to] those who cannot agree with and follow our creeds and principles or who cannot wholeheartedly communicate my ideas. I would like those who cannot completely agree with my ideas to find work at another company. Everything [boils down to] the person. At JIT we value manpower over intelligence or education. As I have said time and time again, our creeds and principles will not change. The president will change. The employees will change. The principles and codes of conduct behind JIT, however, will never change. At JIT, we do not simply work, we all work together with the same mind and spirit, following the same course toward the same goal. If there is even just one person who does not consent to the common will, our company cannot continue.

No matter how many times you change companies, if you do not change your heart, nothing will change for you no matter where you go. Everything is up to you. You are the only one who can change you. I ask that you trust your friends and me and that you act according to the JIT creeds.


金曜日, 5月 15th, 2009






Welcome Party for New Employees

On May 9th we held a welcome party for our new employees. A month has passed since they entered the company and this past week they started work in their official positions. They are still babies but they are truly unprejudiced and absorb things quickly.

One by one they introduced themselves and told us their aspirations and goals. In our giant ceremony hall at Kofu Hall, they forwent use of the microphone and stated their names and goals in loud, clear voices. Before they went on the study course [last month], they [spoke in] small voices and lacked self-confidence. However, now that they have finished the training course and begun their duties, they have studied and grown a little. I ask that, not forget the feeling you have now, you act always in the unprejudiced manner, always energetic and smiling.

It was a very fun evening. When it is time to have fun, enjoy yourself. From today on, [however], let us brace ourselves and act.


木曜日, 5月 14th, 2009



The Muscles of the Heart

No matter when or where you are, whether at work or at home, the 5s system is an ordinary, everyday thing. Only at work is it okay to be satisfied only with what you see. People who are easy on themselves will never be able to do more than a superficial job, [but] there is no meaning in this. Isn’t is true that those who cannot get all the way to what isn’t [immediately] visible have dirty desks, cars, lockers, and hearts. This is a problem. Everything is connected by the same line. Even if you [clean] the surface, at some point dirt will come down. There is no meaning in this. The 5s system is not something you follow for someone else: it is for your own development. Please be aware of this and clean particularly those places you cannot see. Please refine your heart.

Whatever does not kill us makes us stronger. Muscles do not develop immediately after you begin training. It is in the continuation of this training that your muscles slowly begin to emerge. Changes do not emerge in 2 or 3 days; [rather], the longer you persevere, the more muscles you will develop. The heart is the same. The more you persevere, the stronger your heart will become. If you work with all your might, you will certainly grow as a person. Please develop the muscles of your heart. Continuation = action.


水曜日, 5月 13th, 2009

 一生勉強です。気付きや勉強に終わりはありません。私は働き始めてから26年間が経っていますが、気付かない日は1日もありません。これになぜ今まで気付かなかったのか、ということが沢山あります。日々勉強。1・2年で、自分ができると思うのは大きな間違い、勘違いです。1・2年では何もわかりません。勉強しなければならないことが山のようにあります。いつも謙虚で感謝な姿勢でなければ、気付きも成長もありません。謙虚な気持ちでいれば、様々なことに気付けます。改善できます。いつも謙虚な姿勢で勉強をして、自分自身を成長させ、行動してください。気づきは即 今行動することです。


First Pay Day

Study lasts a lifetime: there is not end to [what you can] notice or study. Throughout the 26 years that I have been working now, not even one day has passed in which I have not noticed something. There are many thi ngs I never noticed until now. Study daily. You are mistaken if you think you can study in simply one or two years. After one or two years you still do not understand anything. There are a mountain of things you must study. If you do not always have a humble, grateful heart, you will neither notice things or grow as a person. With humility, [however], you can notice [any of of] things and make reforms. Please always be humble and study, forcing yourself to grow and act. Notice is instant action.

The other day was the first pay day for our new employees. Although from the viewpoint of only a couple months or years, new employees still lack fighting power; however, if you look to the future, it is an investment for the company. Please be grateful to those around you and use your first paycheck for them. You are alive now because of your parents and the support of them and those around you. Your parents’ suffering is no ordinary thing. One new employee recently wr ote in his daily report: “I always thought that baths, preparing food for me, and doing my laundry were natural things to expect but I realize they are not to be taken for granted. I realized how difficult it is to work and earn money. I am truly grateful to my parents.” I agree with this employee. Your first pay day [is a chance to] communicate your gratitude to your parents. Let us not forget our gratitude as we work together from now on.


火曜日, 5月 12th, 2009





Yamanashi Specialty Becomes Reciprocal Gift

As was reported in a recent newspaper article, [At JIT] we have begun to use the Yamanashi specialty dish htas our reciprocal gift for funerals, a first in Yamanash i. Can we not energize Yamanashi, even if only a little, by using our region’s specialty? This decision came from a desire to appeal to the many funeral guests who come from outside the prefecture. No matter where you go or what you hear, you cannot find any happy stories: bankruptcy, corporate restructuring, shortened work weeks, [etc]. I hope to be able to energize Yamanashi, even if only by a little. A funeral is an austere time during which the meaning and way of life of the deceased is comm unicated to the living. Such is the goal of JIT Ceremony. With the slogan “Closely Connected to our Home Town,” I beg you to work hard for the sake of Yamanashi.

Although many employees responded to our recent study course with promises to “study and act,” few were able to turn such thoughts into immediate action, seen in the fact that only a small handful read this article. Fight with yourself and make yourself grow as a person. Carry through on what you say. There is o nly action.


月曜日, 5月 11th, 2009

 すべては『人』です。『人』しかありません。チームジットはみなさん社員一人ひとりがいて成り立ちます。いろいろな性格、個性、(大きい石、小さい石、丸い石、とんがっている石)があり はじめて会社(城) 継続できる企業(石垣)ができます。 


 成功者は、10回成功しても、11回目の目標をすぐに考え行動します。そして失敗を重ねても、決して逃げない。次にどうすれば壁を乗り越えられるか考え、すぐに行動をします。 一方、失敗をする人の特徴は、1回の失敗で、すぐに「自分にはできない。」とできない理由を探します。頭で考えていては先には進めません。悩んでも、いくら考えても答えはでません。行動してみなければ、結果は誰にもわからないのです。失敗は成功のもと。失敗すればするだけ、成長をします。失敗したら次の方法を考えればよいのです。そして、別の方法を思いついたら、結果は考えずに行動してる。結果は自ずと見えてくるのです。ですから、失敗を恐れずに行動をしてください。行動が全てです。

It All Comes Down to Man

Everything is [about] humans: there is nothing beyond them. Team JIT is the amalgamation of all of its employees standing together. Just as there are large stones and small stones, round stones and sharp stones, in Team JIT there are different
characters and different personalities and from these we make a company.Knowledge and ability are simply tools. No matter how much knowledge or ability a person has, if he does not use it, there is no point. Moreover, good products and services can be imitated. If we are talking simply about technology, anyone can acquire that. That said, what is the where is the difference? The difference lies in human power. Therefore, you must study and make yourself grow as a person. Furthermore, in providing good products and service to people, human power must beincreased. Study. Act. I will make JIT a company where people study and polish themselves to be useful toother people.

You are the only person who can change yourself.

Successful people are those who, even if they have succeeded ten times, immediately think of how to achieve that 11th success. No matter how many failures they have experienced, they decide to not give up but immediately think, “How can I
overcome these obstacles?” and then they act. Unsuccessful people, however, when faced with merely one failure, will say, “This is something I cannot do.” No matter how much you worry or how much you think, you will not find an answer. No one gets answers or results without action. Failure breeds success. Only through failure can you grow as a person. Once you fail, think about how you should next proceed. Then, once you have thought of a new way to proceed,do not think about what will happen but simply act. Results will naturally show themselves. Therefore, be courageous and act. Action is everything.



土曜日, 5月 9th, 2009


 私たちの会社はまだまだ草野球レベルです。メジャーまではまだまだ先は遠い。遠いかもしれませんが、毎日全員が一歩ずつでも、確実に成長すれば、必ず目標は達成できます。日々勉強。そして行動。この繰り返しです。知らないことを知る喜び、できなかったことができるようになった喜び、昨日よりも今日、一歩成長できた喜びをかみ締めながら、日々勉強をして、みんなの幸せのために、前進していきましょう。何事もやらされるのではなく 自分から行動する。全て『心』しだい 自分を成長させて社会に貢献したいかです。

Practice What You Study

At JIT we have a new policy wherein those who wish to join JIT must first attend several study courses. Only once they have cleared our requirements will they be accepted as employees here at JIT. Before you enter the company, study [so that you may] enter the company at a higher level than you are at now.

However, no matter how much we study, we are not beating those around us because although we study, what we learn is not applied enough to our actions. In the course of their work every day, employees have many opportunities to put into practice [what they studied]: morning assembly, manner courses, my lectures, etc. Please put into practice what you learn, even if only a little bit at a time. Everyone has opportunities for study and practice. Act after you study. If you lose focus, you will soon be surpassed by the new employees. Please, everyone, be self-aware and put into practice what you study.

Our company is still at a beginners’ level and we have a long way to go before we reach the major leagues. Even if it is far away, though, so long as each employee grows a little more every day, we will certainly achieve our goal. Study. Act. Repeat. Taste the joy of knowing something you didn’t know before or being able to do something you couldn’t do before. For the sake of everyone’s happiness, let’s study daily and move forward. Do not do something because you’re made to do it. Decide to do it on your own. Everything is what your heart and mind make of it. Make yourself grow [as a person] and contribute to society.


金曜日, 5月 8th, 2009



Even if you lose [all of] your money, if you work hard it will surely come back to you. [However,] do you know what is more troubling to lose? Faith. Faith or confidence can be lost easily but regaining it is no ordinary feat. This is because faith is the physical and spiritual connection between human beings. Once lost, this connection is very difficult to reeastablish. Please do not forget this.

There is something even more troubling to lose than faith: courage. You can do nothing once your courage is lost. Although regaining [one's] faith [in you] is difficult, if you reflect [on your actions] and sincerely act, the other person will understand. Your feelings will certainly be communicated. However, you cannot do this without courage. With courage you can face whatever comes your way. You can overcome any obstacle. You can act. Please have the courage to go forward “one step at a time.”


金曜日, 5月 1st, 2009

