Archive for 6月, 2009


火曜日, 6月 30th, 2009


  本日で第18期が終わり明日は19期です。もう18年が過ぎました。今年の新入社員の高校卒が18歳です。ここまでこれたことに感謝、生かされていることに感謝です。『夢』 にむかってまだまだ全力投球、今を大切に明日からも行動します。



月曜日, 6月 29th, 2009

 山梨を元気に、イベント第三弾、三郡ホールの感謝祭を土曜日に行いました。総勢580人のお客様が足を運んでくださいました。本当に有難うございます。甲府ホールのイベントに引き続きチームジットで全力投球で頑張りました。協力会社の皆様にも本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。たくさんの人の笑顔、楽しそうな皆様の顔を拝見でき、私も本当にうれいし気持ちになりました。 近所のおばさん、おじさんも沢山来ていただきました。社員やパートさんも家族や友達と来ていただき、親子、夫婦、仲間との親睦を深められたようでした。




 イベントは段取りが一番です。そしてイベントに関わる全員が一生懸命で一致団結して、お客様にいかに楽しんでもらえるかを考え行動をすることが必要です。チームジット一丸になって、1回1回の反省を、次に生かすように、第11弾まで、全力投球でお願いします。継続は力 継続できるよう今を全力投球で来年もイベント開催できるよう行動します。

Festival of Thanks at Sangun Hall

This past Saturday, JIT Ceremony held its second “Festival of Thanks” of the year as a way to envigorate Yamanashi. Approximately 580 people attended the festival which was held at Sangun Hall. I am truly grateful to everyone who came as well as those who worked the event, giving their all just as their colleagues did the week before at Kofu Hall. I was so happy to be able to see so many smiling, laughing faces at the event as well as the many elderly who live nearby. It was also wonderful to see the friends and family members who my part time and full time workers brought with them to the event.

The program is the number one important thing in a festival. Moreover, it is essential that the workers there work hard as one throughout the entire event and constantly think of ways to make the customers happy. We will continue to give our all throughout all of our events this year, working together as one unit and reviewing each event as it happens. Perseverence takes strength. We will persevere and will act in a way to continue to offer events like those of these past couple of weeks.



金曜日, 6月 26th, 2009

 先日も、東京より、大手企業の社長様をはじめとする幹部役員の方が、弊社へ来社してくださいました。本当に感謝いたします。実際にジットの熱い想いを、従業員一名一名から感じて頂き、どのような環境で製造をしているのかを見て頂きました。                                           そして弊社の品質保証部からも、ご説明をさせて頂きました。沢山のお話をさせて頂き、私たちも気づくことがたくさんあり、勉強をさせていただきました。 「人は心」 の精神に基づき、品質最優先で、お客様に満足と幸せを届けられるように精進していくことを改めて決意致しました。必ず花を開かせ、実を結ばせます。



The other day, the president of a prominent company, along with several of his executive brance, paid our office a visit. I am truly very grateful that they felt our employees’ passion and saw the environment our products are made in. Our QC department also gave a presentation [about their work and how it fits in to JIT as a whole]. Through the presentations we made and things that were brought to our attention, this visit proved to be a valuable opportunity for us to study. I once again feel a zealous determination to bring contentment and happiness to our customers by focusing first on quality. We must base our actions on the idea of “people as the core.” We will see the fruit of our labor.

Before he visited our office, I received a message from the president’s secretary asking that “although it is in direct conflict with the Cool Biz (Japanese government campaign aimed at reducing companies’ use of air conditioners), we hope you will understand [and use your air conditioner while the president is visiting].” I was very moved by this request. It’s all a matter of how closely you can pay attention. Anyone can notice big things but are you able to notice and be effected by small things? People who are able to notice things are people who do notice things. Pay attention to the small things, both in cleaning and in your work. If you are simply passing today without really thinking, simply passing the time in the same way you did yesterday, you will not notice the things around you. There is meaning in amassing small things. The notice of small things is directly connected with personal growth. I ask you to pay attention to what is around you and to act.


木曜日, 6月 25th, 2009

 最近仕事をしていても、日報を読んでいても、1円、10円というお金、1個、1つ、1枚のものをどう捉えているんだろうと考えてしまうことが多々あります。全てお金です。会社のお金であれば尚更、もっともっとシビアになってください。自分のお金、はしっかり計算するのに、会社のお金やものを大切にできないのでは困ります。1円を大切にできない人は必ず1円で泣きます。1円もちりと積もれば、100円、1000円、1万円、100万円となります。1円、1個の重みを感じて、1円こそ、1個こそ大切に扱ってください。物を大事にする人は 人も大事にします。お金は『徳』。素直な心に集まります。 


Nothing Without Action

Lately, no matter how hard I see my employees working or how many daily reports I read, I still find myself wondering how my employees truly perceive the meaning of 1 cent, one cartridge, one piece of paper. Everything comes down to money. When it comes to the company’s money, please be even more severe about it. Even if you are careful about your own money, it is a big problem if you cannot value the company’s money and property. People who cannot value one cent will cry at [having only] one cent. If you amass those one cents, they will turn into a dollar, 10 dollars, a thousand dollars, etc. Please understand the importance of one cent or one cartridge and treat them with care. People who value things will also value people. Money is virtue and will amass itself in the hearts of those who are meek and unprejudiced.

Study is action. No matter how much you say, “I was moved by such and such,” or “I studied such and such,” it is meaningless if you cannot use it to change yourself or the present situation. The same is true for reflection. It is all a matter of how much you fight against your weaknesses and how much you believe in the future. No matter how much I say or your supervisors say or those around you say, the only person who can change you is you. Reflection is action. It is not easy to change your habits or yourself. It’s all about perseverance. If you persevere, it will become a habit. It’s a question of whether you can beat your weak, pampered self. Study and use it to change yourself. Once you have reflected, act. It’s all about action. There is nothing beyond action. People are watching what you do and judging you. Follow up on what you say. I ask for action.


水曜日, 6月 24th, 2009




It’s Not Just About You

[Reading the daily reports from my managerial staff, I noticed that] instead of writing about those in their department they only wrote about themselves. While it is natural to focus on oneself, I ask you – in particular the managers – to be more aware of your surroundings. Parents, no matter what is happening around them, always have their children in sight. No matter how much they are suffering or how much they have to endure, for the sake of their children they will work hard. The same [should be] true for supervisors. Whether it is the eyes, the facial expressions, the posture, etc. of those in your department, pay more attention to those around you. Do not focus solely on yourself but notice things about others. Please be concerned [about others]. This is what it means to be a supervisor in Team JIT. We cannot move forward if we only focus on work. Humanity is number one. People are everything. I ask for action.

I have felt very lucky lately, undoubtedly because my deceased father and brother are by my side. I am being blessed by them. I have met and talked with people I could not have imagined meeting. I am so very grateful. The present me is a direct result of how I live. Lately, I have had many personal experiences for which I am very grateful. I will go forward cultivating the connections I have made and, not forgetting a sense of gratitude, I will make everyone happy.



火曜日, 6月 23rd, 2009

 言うだけではわかりません。実際に来て頂いて見てもらうのが1番です。そのために、工場はショールームをコンセプトに造りました。口でいくら偉そうなことを言っても、信じて頂けるかはわかりません。でも、実際に来て頂き、設備やどういう気持ちで、どういう人が作っているかを見て頂くのが1番伝わります。「百聞は一見に如かず」。ジットは従業員みんなが一番の財産です。そのためには勉強がもっともっと必要です。学校ではお金を払って勉強をしていましたが、会社は違います。お金をもらって勉強ができます。チャンスを与えられているのです。私を含め、社員がどれだけ勉強をして行動するかで、将来が決まります。売上が決まります。利益が決まります。来て頂いたお客様に安心して頂けるような、恥ずかしくないような人に成長をしてください。『人は心、人は全てです』 ですので、品質とは出来上がった物だけに対するものだけではありません。そこに込めた社員一人ひとりの想いも品質の1つです。私達社員一人ひとりも見に来てください。

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Words alone cannot be understood. It is best to actually see something for yourself. With this idea in mind, we built our office to be a showroom. No matter how important our words seem, we cannot know if they will be believed. However, our feelings are best communicated when customers actually visit our office and experience the atmosphere of JIT and see what kind of people are making the products. “A picture is worth a thousand words.” JIT’s most important asset is its employees. Because of this, study is even more important. At school you pay money to study; however, a company is different. At a company, you actually earn money and are able to study. This is a chance for you. Our future depends on how much everyone here at JIT, myself included, studies. Our sales are determined by how much we study. Our profits are determined by how much we study. Please grow into people who give a sense of peace to those customers who visit the office. Do not be embarrassments. Remember, “humans are the heart. Humans are everything.” This means that quality is not simply about what is produced but also the thoughts and feelings of each and every employee. Please come to see us.


月曜日, 6月 22nd, 2009





Festival of Thanks at Kofu Hall

On June 21st, JIT held its 2nd “Festival of Thanks” at Kofu Hall. Over 800 people attended yesterday’s event. I feel so grateful to all those who came: the customers, JIT employees, the workers, the vendors, and those from the Ventforet soccer team. Thank you so much.

However, there were also many challenges throughout the day. All of the JIT Ceremony employees met last night following the event to review what happened throughout the day. Although we aim for 100% and put our entire beings into our work, it is impossible to achieve 100% in one try. Keeping in mind the lessons we learned at yesterday’s event, Team JIT is working as one to make this week’s event at Sangun Hall an even better “Festival of Thanks.” I want to invigorate Yamanashi. I want to see smiles, even if they are only small ones, on the faces of many customers. These are the thoughts and feelings of JIT. I ask all of you to act in a spirit of thanksgiving. Perseverence is power Next year is a given. This year we will continue to work as hard as we can until the 11th [and final] event [of the year] is over.


金曜日, 6月 19th, 2009



Health Management

During the daily morning assembly, after he shares a pleasant anecdote from his life, the leader for that day leads everyone in reciting our creeds. Today’s leader was one of the new employees who entered JIT this past April. He tried to lead everyone in the recitation of the creeds but, due to nerves, he stumbled a little, making those in his department look rather concerned for him. I was so pleased to see both this new employee trying so hard as well as those around him who looked concerned. You could see their concern written all over their faces. On the other hand, however, there were people there who thought the new employee’s problems had nothing to do with them. Here I ask the managers in particular to pay attention to those beneath you. Your subordinates are looking more at what is inside of you than your outward appearance. They are watching your behavior and your facial expressions and they are judging you. If JIT cannot unite as one, then we will not be able to achieve our goals or contribute to society. Without a relationship of trust, we cannot do our jobs well. Take a greater interest [in those around you] and, [working together] as Team JIT, let us go forward.

This past week one of our employees was out sick from Monday through Thursday. While getting sick is an unavoidable occurance, if you do not feel well on Monday, do not try to stick it out but [stay home and] rest. If you push yourself unreasonably, you will have to rest for 2 or 3 days, therein causing trouble to your coworkers. Above all, however, [remember that] pain is all a matter of the individual.

You are the only person who can take care of your health. Particularly important is how you spend your Saturdays and Sundays. We have these two vacation days to recover from exhaustion from the previous week and to reenergize ourselves for the upcoming week. Also one way to spend your vacation day(s) is to do what you like and refresh yourself, if you get sick there is no meaning in your taking a vacation. How you spend your personal time has an immediate effect on your work. [Therefore,] in order to do your work well, it is important for you to first take care of your heart and body. Please be vigilant in taking care of your health.


木曜日, 6月 18th, 2009

トーマスエジソンが言う通り、成功の要因は、『ひらめき』 や 『才能』 (インスピレーション)の占める割合が、たった1パーセントにすぎず、残りの99パーセントは 『努力』や『汗』 (パースピレーション)によるものです。


 先日、社員が婚姻届を提出し籍を入れました。はじめに報告を受けた時には、正直まだまだ半人前で、大丈夫なのかという不安もありました。でも、「奥さんのため、子供のために全力で頑張っていく」と強い意志を持っていましたし、お互いのご両親からも許しを得たと聞きましたので、私も心から祝福をしました。これから本当に様々なことがあると思います。悩むことも、躓くこともあると思います。でもお互いを信じ、子供や自分たちの幸せのために、お互いのご両親への感謝の気持ちで、一生懸命、今を全力で生きてください。そうすれば必ず子供も、周りの人も見ていてくれます。応援してくれます。周りには先輩方が沢山います。困ったときには、相談をしながら、幸せな家庭を築いていってください。 私も全力で支援します。


If you do not work hard and study, you will neither grow as a person nor will you be able to become a leader. No matter how ofter say something, if your actions do not match your words, your subordinates absolutely will not follow you. Those around you are watching what you do and judging you. No matter how much the person in charge is able to give sound arguments or censures, if his actions do not back up his words then there is no reason to expect that his subordinates will follow his words.

According to Thomas Edison, the primary factor in [determining] success is not “a flash” or “talent” or “inspiration,” which in total comprise no more than 1% success. Rather, success is 99% is hard work and perspiration.

It is not good to wait until you’ve been scolded before you do something. Be embarrassed [by your lack of action] and challenge yourself in study and work. There is no meaning [to life] if you do not. You do not grow doing things you are made to do. Quitting a job, getting a divorce, only noticing things after you’re dead: all of these things happen because you were slow. It is already too late. Study is not something you do for others but rather for yourself. If you think, “I still have a long way to go in my study,” act. Anyone can simply think. I ask that you act in a way that will not embarrass yourself. Once you notice something, act immediately.

The other day, one of our employees submitted his marriage registration in the family register. When I first heard about this, one half of me thought him very honest and full of integrity while the other half was worried if he would be all right. However, once I heard his empassioned words of “I am going to work with all my might for my wife and child,” as well as the news that their parents had given the two permission to marry, I also gave them my blessing. I think that they will face many things in the future: worries, slips, etc. However, please believe in each other and work for the happiness of your child and yourselves. Be grateful to your parents and work hard every day. If you do so, both your child and those around you will see [your hard work] and will support you. Around you are many people with more experience than you. When you get upset, talk to them and work to build a happy family. I, too, will support you with all my power.


水曜日, 6月 17th, 2009




Babies are unprejudiced creatures, a trait that makes them very positive and assertive. No matter how many times they fall down, be it 10 or 100 times, they will one day stand. Even if [the fall] hurts and they cry, they will still stand up. However, once we become adults, when we fall we think, “Why did I fall again? What should I do?” and it is very difficult for us to move forward. Through the process of maturing, our original unprejudiced nature becomes hidden under rust.

At JIT, before we make products we make people. We create spirits. If you do not have a good heart or a good spirit, you cannot make a good product; moreover, you will not be able to do your job. It is not a matter of intelligence: provided you have the unprejudiced heart of a baby, you will quickly grow and mature. Think positively and, no matter how many times you fall, stand up and go forward. This is the path to growth. I ask you to act.