Archive for 6月, 2009


火曜日, 6月 16th, 2009



Reflection is Action

I have said this again and again but [let me say it one more time]: reflection is action. No matter how many reflections you write or say, no matter how much you think about how to avoid making the same mistake, if all you do is think there is no meaning in it. Anyone can think. Anyone can reflect. The question is what to do after you have failed. If all you do is think you are doomed to repeat the same mistake. In a recent daily report from one of my employees, she wrote, “I plan to act.” This is the same as simply thinking and it shows what is going on in her heart. As long as you are saying things like “I plan,” nothing will change. Instead of “I plan,” it should be “I will act.”

Failures are not bad things but rather opportunities for growth. In order to turn a failure into an opportunity, you have no choice but to fight against your weak points and act to change yourself. Failure is the root of success. There is no time to think. Once you think of something, there is only action. Show your reflections through your actions. Once you notice something, act immediately. Act now.


月曜日, 6月 15th, 2009




The JIT Booth

Recently, Ventforet had another soccer match and won, 4 to 1. This made me very happy. [As per usual,] JIT once again sold ink from our booth at the stadium and, once again, the man who recently made and brought our employees onigiri visited the booth. Claiming that he was moved by our employees’ enthusiasm over the onigiri he brought last time, he made and brought us more delicious rice balls. Thank you so much, sir. These onigiri were also delicious and brought us tremendous joy. In addition to the onigiri, he also brought us the placards you see below, a gift from his daughter who made them [in school]. We will treasure these adorable gifts.

Every time we sell our ink at the Ventforet games, we are honored by the many people who visit the booth. Whether they come to support JIT, to return used ink cartridges, or simply out of curiosity, we are grateful for the many people who come. This is something for which we are truly happy and grateful. We will continue to put our all into creating good products, through which we hope to fulfill others’ expectations and express our gratitude. We are nothing without action. Please infuse your actions with gratitude.


金曜日, 6月 12th, 2009



 自分のため、人のため、社会のため、山梨のために今を全力で、人と人との繋がりを大切に生きてください。 やがて日本、地域社会、家族、子孫が幸せになります 。今のこの一瞬一瞬を大切に、行動をお願いします。

The Bonds of Karma

The other day, I was blessed yet again to connect with someone. I have wanted to meet this person for a while and was finally given an opportunity to do so when he came all the way to Tokyo. I am truly grateful to both the people who set up the meeting as well as the person I met.

The bonds of fate have certainly circled back to me. It is because I heard the strong stories of my ancestors, beginning with my parents, and because I valued these connections that I now have bonds with so many people. Whether it is happiness, money, or bonds [between people], all things [in life] rotate in a cyclical fashion. If you look only at what is happening right now, you will probably feel a sense of loss or disadvantage. However, such feelings are wrong. No matter how long – whether several years, several decades, or several centuries – [whatever you lost] will come back to you. If you do something good, something good will come back to you. [Conversely,] if you do something bad, something bad will, without fail, come back to you. This is karma.

Please, for yourself, for those around you, for society, and for Yamanashi, please live right now with your entire being. Live valuing your connections with others. Eventually Japan, your community, your family, and your descendants will be happy. I ask that you value each moment and act.


木曜日, 6月 11th, 2009



Strong Thought and Action

“Problems” are not the same as “a lack of improvement.” The day those two are the same is the day life ends. It is not the goal.

Whenever a problem arises, please focus on the issue. Think about why the failure occurred and what you should do to avoid repeating the same mistake. Look at the eyes of someone who has scolded [someone else] and you will see not their appearance but rather the problem that occurred. When a problem arises, there is nothing to do but act. That is growth. Please take things in a humble manner and daily seek improvement and growth.

The president of a well-known high-volume electronics company built a huge company in the space of one lifetime. At this company, all employees are given a chance at anything. “What do you want to do in the future?” The person’s life changes based solely on how hard he works toward this dream and on how strongly he wants it. If you are passionate about something, act [on it]. Use your time to study. Value your time. Hard works breeds results. It’s all about how well you can overcome your weak points. If each of us acts, our company will certainly grow. Our dream will come true. I ask that you act.

水曜日, 6月 10th, 2009





Roughly six months ago I read a book that talked about how “through listening to a person’s voice you can know what he is feeling.” At the time I did not have a firm understanding of what the author was saying; however, lately I have begun to understand.

A few months ago, a Buddhist leader named Mr. Hasegawa visited our office and gave a talk at our all-staff morning assembly. His voice at the time was very loud and I can still recall clearly the words that struck my heart. The reason his voice was so loud and his words shook the hearts of those listening is that his speech was full with his thoughts and feelings. It was because he spoke fervently that his speech remains in my heart as much as it does.

I cannot understand what a person says when he speaks in a small, expressionless voice. Attractive people, those who wish to be attractive people, and those people who want to help others are, without fail, hard working. Moreover, such people unfailingly have big voices. The voice is one way of communicating your feelings [and as such] is very important. No matter when, please work hard and have a loud, full voice. Communicate your thoughts to those around you.


火曜日, 6月 9th, 2009






 バイヤー様から、「社員のあいさつや笑顔がとてもよかった」、また「社員全員が、私でなく、きちんとエンドユーザーのことを考えて行動をしていることがとてもよく伝わってきて関心した。安心して販売できます。帰社したら一人でも多くに人にジットの製品に対する想いを伝えます。」という温かいお言葉を頂戴しました。本当に有難うございます。皆さん期待をしてくださっていることを忘れずに行動をお願いします。 嬉しいです。

Visitor to Our Factory

The other day, a buyer from another company paid our offices a visit. His visit to our factory made me very happy. To this buyer who came from so far away: thank you.

The heads of our QC and manufacturing departments thoroughly explained not only about our products but also about our company. In October of 2007, JIT moved into its new location [here in Minami Alps]. Our new offices and plant were designed as a showroom so that many people could experience JIT for themselves: seeing through their own eyes, hearing with their own ears, and feeling through their own skin. More than anything, I want people to see our employees. I would be very happy if people could know for themselves how our products are made: what kind of people are making them, what kind of thoughts go into each product, and how each product is made. I believe that such an experience would provide customer’s with at least a little peace of mind and would lead them to purchase more from us.

Over 100 customers visit our factory in a year. Please, everyone, visit our factory once and feel for yourself [what JIT is].

The buyer who recently visited our offices told me that “the greetings and smiles from the employees were great;” moreover, he could feel strongly that “when making the cartridges, the employees do not think only of the buyer but also of the end user. I feel safe buying from JIT. Once I return to my company, I will tell many people about JIT and its products.” I am so very grateful to this man. Please do not forget the hopes and expectations [of people such as this buyer] as you go about your work. I am happy.

増穂商業高校 講演会

月曜日, 6月 8th, 2009






Lecture at Masuho High School

A few days ago, I received an invitation from Masuho High School to come speak in front of their seniors. I was so happy to see the solemn, serious faces of the students as their listened intently to what I had to say. I thank them.

I was priviledged to talk to these students about what is important as they prepare to enter society, for instance: having a dream, the results of hard work, what happens if you don’t give up, the fact that it’s better to have many failures, only those who can clean [well] will be able to work well, the fact that there is nothing humans cannot do, the importance of gratitude toward one’s parents, etc. There were many, many things that I wanted to talk about and during the hour that I was given I worked hard to convey my thoughts and feelings.

The thing that I most wanted to communicate to these students was the importance of the connection between people, between hearts. If you work hard and do not give up, those around you will certainly cheer you on. Hard work will never betray you. Please do not give up [but] continue in your actions. No matter the company, they all started as something small. There is no one who can start from 100. [Everything] begins at one. It is precisely because of the accumulation of these singular points that my company and I am here today. Please fail many times. It is only through failures, only through hardships that you can grow strong. [Finally,] no matter where you go, please work hard [there] for three years.

This can be said to everyone. Please live everyday working hard with your entire being. Moreover, no matter what happens, do not give up [but] continue to fight and act for the happiness of all those around you. Be grateful to your ancestors, yoru parents, and your family.


金曜日, 6月 5th, 2009






Treasure Each Step

In the June 4th edition of Yamanashi Daily, I was part of a series entitled “President’s Room.” I felt very happy and honored [to be featured]. Beginning that morning, I received many e-mails and phone calls from companies connected with JIT, from superiors and inferiors, friends, and employees. Thank you very much.

In my office (which also doubles as our board room), there are many turtle figurines.

[Until now] I always thought of myself as a hare, always running everywhere under the motto of “speed” as the ultimate [goal]. However, I was told by those around me that I appeared to be more like a boar, always plunging forward thinking only of myself, unable to see anything but what is directly in front of me. This is what those around me saw in me. If I think about it, I see the truth in that image. Therefore, I am going to shift my attention to those around me and, never forgetting my determination to be an honest business, will continue to collect turtles. Many of them are presents from my family and employees and the total number of figurines is over two hundred. I will continue to “treasure each step” as I zealously go forward.


木曜日, 6月 4th, 2009




The Spirit or Feeling With Which You Began

Yesterday I had lunch with several of our second year employees. Our 160 employees are divided into groups of 6-7 people each and are invited to have lunch with me in my office 2-3 times each year. As we eat, I ask them to share with me concerns or thoughts that I am unable to hear at other times. It also serves as a time for employees to offer suggestions.  Each time affords me an opportunity to study through what is brought to my attention. In particular, the new employees with their frank, unprejudiced opinions make me very happy.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that a child’s character is decided by the time it is three years old. In those [first] three years, the child’s personality and self are formed; therefore, it is during those first three years that deep affection from the parents is important. The same is true for new employees. The first three years are very important: whether they will grow or not is decided by their boss and superiors.

Children are alarmed by one drop of blood. However, as you become an adult, you begin to realize that [such a small amount] is fine. [However,] like the new employees, please always be alarmed by problems. Treasure even the small things and have a sense of danger. An unprejudiced, frank, obedient heart is the best thing. I ask you all to not forget your original spirit as you zelously act.


水曜日, 6月 3rd, 2009


 朝礼でしか一日に全員の顔をみれません。しっかりみんなの顔をみて、みんなに一生懸命な顔を見せてください。パワーを与えるくらいの気持ちで取り組んでください。すべて自分との戦いです。『ライバルは自分自身』 自分に打ち勝って、どんどん成長していってください。私も毎日弱い、ずるい自分と闘っています。みんなが居るから、夢があるから闘えます。


In March, I attended the graduation ceremony of my alma mater, Kofu Manufacturing [School]. During the ceremony, I was deeply moved at hearing the graduates sing the school song. I was not moved because they sang in loud voices. It wasn’t about the volume of their voices but rather because I felt in my heart their zeal and it brought me to tears.

The same can be said about morning assembly. Today, as before, there were employees who stared at the ground and whose voices were listless. People who cannot be zealous or fervent toward morning assemblies are not zealous about their work or cleaning. People capable of work are those who give their all in morning assemblies and cleaning. Their live “right now” and “all the time” with their entire being. Therefore, they are able to notice many things, both at morning assembly and in [the morning] cleaning. If you are working hard, you will surely be able to notice things [around you].

Aside from morning assembly, there is no other time in the day when you can see the faces of all the employees. Take a thorough look at those around you and present to them a zealous face. Please work hard with a spirit to empower others. It is entirely up to you: you are your own rival. Please conquer [your weaknesses] and quickly grow and mature. I am also struggling daily against my own weaknesses and flaws. I am able to fight because of all of you and because I have a dream.