Archive for 7月, 2009


金曜日, 7月 31st, 2009




▲左: マスター 駒沢大学教授 青木 茂樹 様
 真ん中: ウェートレス アナウンサー 中込 真理子 様



木曜日, 7月 30th, 2009


 毎日、終業時に社員は日報を書いています。先日の日報に、「営業のために来社されたお客様が、逆にジットの商品を買って下さり、“こういう不況時に、良いものが求めやすくて大変助かり嬉しいです。” とのお言葉まで頂き、本当に嬉しかった。今後、もっともっとたくさんの皆様に必要とされるようになると確信し、今後の業務を品質最優先でもっともっと頑張ります。」と書いてありました。日報にはその日の行動ではなく、日記のように 「印象に残った事、 感動した事 」を書いて下さい。そしてその感動を 「良かったな」 で終わらせることなく自分で行動してください。



水曜日, 7月 29th, 2009

 先日新入社員が、実家に帰省する際、道に迷ってしまったそうです。困って、近くのコンビニエンスストアで道を尋ねたところ、店員さんが、わざわざ地図を出して丁寧に説明をしてく下さり、さらに 「この辺りの道は分かりにくいから気をつけてくださいね。」 と、その地図をコピーして持たせて下さったと朝礼で話をしてくれました。道を案内することは、そのお店の売上には全く関係のないことなのにも関わらず、親切な対応をして下さった店員さんの心にとても感動しました。また、その新入社員は、次回からは、そのコンビニエンスストアを利用すると心に決めたようです。

 企業は、売上や利益がなければ、一生懸命働いている社員も家族も幸せにできませんし、社会貢献することもできません。売上は大切です。しかし、困っている人がいたならば、それが社内であれ、社外であれ、全力で助けるのが 『 人 』 です。 それが 「人は心」 ということであるし、人と人との繋がりです。いつも相手の立場に立って、困っている人がいたら、自分が持っているもの、知識も力も全てを駆使して、全力で助けてください。 『 自分だけできれば良い、自分だけ快適であれば良い 』 という気持ちは捨てることです。人のために力を尽くせるというのは生きている証です。 「人は心」。 心ある行動をお願いします。


火曜日, 7月 28th, 2009

 弊社では、数年前から刑務所に作業をお願いをしています。その刑務所で、「第59回 社会を明るくする運動月間」に当たり、感謝状を頂きました。弊社以外にも2社が表彰され、刑務所を外からボランティアで支えている山梨県更生保護女性連盟様や、キリスト教の先生が出席されていました。



 その中で、山梨県更生保護女性連盟の皆様が、刑務所で刑務を終了し、社会復帰をする皆様に渡しているという「母の鈴」という鈴を頂きました。その鈴と一緒に1通の手紙も入っていました。『この鈴は、あなたが会社で思い、悩み、苦しみ人生の重大な岐路に立った時、一呼吸おいて鈴の音色に心を澄ませ、ここでの固い更生への誓いを思いだし、決然として正しい道を歩んで頂きたいと思い、私たちが心をこめてひとつひとつ手作りしたものです頑張ってください。 山梨県更生保護女性連盟』 お話を聞きながら、母の偉大さや、温かさを感じました。この会は発足をして去年で50年になるそうです。鈴を手作りで作ってお渡しすることを始めてからも、20数年経つそうです。みなさん「自分に何かできないか」、「社会に少しでも貢献したい」との思いでボランティアをされていると、会長様がおしゃっていました。




月曜日, 7月 27th, 2009



Putting Customers First

Companies that act according to their own convenience will crumble. No matter what the case, rather than acting in your own interest, put yourself in the customer’s position and act accordingly. JIT Ceremony employees always put the customer first, no matter what is going on. For example, even if they have plans with their families, sports meets, dates, etc., if there is a request for a funeral they will abandon these plans for work. They act in a way that will create a funeral that touches the hearts of those present.

JIT is the same way. Saying “I can’t do something” is really just an excuse for not wanting to do something. There are many reasons why you won’t be able to do something but [you should ask yourself] “What should I do in order to be able to do this?” Understand that it is the existence of the customer that makes our lives possible. Everyone, pleae act in the best interest of the customer.

This past week, four students from Masuho Manufacturing High School interned here at JIT for four days. At morning assembly [on their final day], the four boys gave short reflections on what they had learned during the course of the internship. Each boy’s reflection focused on different things, such as: the value of one cent, gratitude toward parents, and work as something that benefits others. If they understood these concepts even just a little I am happy. In the future we will have many more students come to JIT for internships. To these students, look around you and mimic the good you see in others. JIT employees, be good role models to these students.


土曜日, 7月 25th, 2009

 先日、週に1回の会社の周辺の掃除がありました。その中で、何人かが固まって、話ながら掃除をする光景を目にしました。また、上司が目の前にいるのに、時間がないから前をあいさつもしないで、走っていく社員の姿を見ました。その中でも一生懸命もくもくと清掃している社員もいます。 同じ時間を過ごすのなら 『自分も、相手も、周りの人からも 一生懸命が伝わる行動』 がジットの行動です。

 何のために掃除をするのですか。急いでいたらあいさつはしなくてもよいのですか。例え99人ができていても、1人ができていなければ、周りはできていないと判断します。 集団になって、ダラダラ、話ながら歩いていたらどう思いますか?急いでいるからという理由で、目の前通った人があいさつをしないで、走り去ったらどう思いますか?すべてそれは自分の都合にすぎません。もっと周りの立場になって、行動をしてください。どうせやるのならば、一生懸命やってください。ダラダラとやるのならば、やらない方がましです。



What I Learned from Cleaning

The other day was our weekly cleaning of the area around JIT’s holdings. During the course of the morning, I saw employees grouped together talking while they cleaned as well as employees who, because they were pressed for time, did not stop to greet their superiors. In the midst of such employees, however, were those who were actually working diligently. “JIT action” is “action handed down from ourselves and those around us.”

Why do we clean? Even if you are in a hurry, is it really okay to not greet someone? Even if 99 people can do something and only one person can’t, it is the same as the whole group not being able to do something. Do you think it’s okay to loaf along in a group chatting with each other? How would you feel if someone was in a hurry and rushed past you without greeting you? You are just doing what is convenient for you. Please think about others more and act [accordingly]. Whatever you do, work hard at it. If something was sluggish, I would rather not do it at all. To everyone at JIT, please understand what it means to be “one for all and all for one.” No matter what you are doing, give it your all. Be someone you wouldn’t be ashamed of.


金曜日, 7月 24th, 2009

 NEC甲府支店様が40周年を記念をして主催をした『田崎亨 ~今宵、一期一会のおもてなしを~』というスペシャルイベントへお誘い頂き、参加させて頂きました。ナビゲーターがソムリエの田崎真也様、司会進行がTBSアナウンサーの木村郁美様、そしてスペシャルゲストがジャズシンガーの綾戸智恵様でした。


 その会の中で、ジャズシンガーの綾戸智恵様のお話をお伺いしました。綾戸様は今では誰もが知っているジャズシンガーですが、40歳までは本当に苦労をしたそうです。それでも諦めずに一生懸命頑張って、頑張って、ようやく40歳のときに周りに認められ、今ではこれだけの人が知っている人になりました。今はお母様の介護をなされているそうで、本格的には活動をされていないようですが、その懇親会のときも、お母様と一緒に大阪から山梨へいらっしゃいました。本当にお母様に感謝をし、大事にしている姿を拝見し、胸が熱くなりました。 『周りの人が私を認めてくれたことに感謝』 『昨日に感謝』と話してくれました。やはり、何事も今に感謝し、今を全力投球することが大切と再認識しました。私も、これからもどんなときも、諦めずに、全力投球で、夢に向かって行動していきます。みなさんも、何があっても、今を全力で、前向きに行動をお願いします。

 最後に、このような輝かしいお席に御誘いくださいました、株式会社YSK e-comの飯室社長様に心より感謝申し上げます。

Full Out

I was recently invited to “TAZAKI – TONIGHT!,” the 40th anniversary party for the Kofu branch of NEC. Included among the guests were TAZAKI Shin’ya – famous sommeliere – KIMURA Ikumi – an announcer from TBS – and AYATO Chie, a famous jazz singer.

During the course of the evening, I heard a story from Ms. Ayato. Although she is a household name now, Ms. Ayato endured many hardships until she was 40. However, she never gave up. She worked and worked and finally, when she reached her fourties, she began to be recognized [as a jazz musician] by those around her. Now she is known by everyone. She is now taking care of her aging mother and as such is unable to live a normal life; however, both she and her mother travelled all the way from Osaka to Yamanashi to be at this party. It truly warmed my heart to see the gratitude and care that Ms. Ayato showed toward her mother and to hear her express her gratitude to “those her recognized her” and to “yesterday.” [Listening to her story,] I once again realized the importance of being grateful for this moment and of putting everything you have into what you do. I, too, will continue to struggle towards my dream. No matter what happens, I will not give up. I ask you to do the same.

Finally, I would like to thank the president of YSK e-com for giving me the opportunity to attend this fantastic event.


木曜日, 7月 23rd, 2009




Turning Points

We do not know what will happen to us during our lives. The other day, Yoshida played Sundai Kofu in the Yamanashi Grand Meet at Koshien Stadium. Although until the beginning of the 9th inning Yoshida was ahead 4-0 against Kofu, the latter team refused to give up and in the bottom of the 9th with 1 out, Kofu hit the decision home run and walked away from the game victorious.

It really is impossible for any of us to what what is going to happen in our lives or how our lives will go. Had the Kofu team given up for even an instant or had even just one player quit half way through, the team would not have achieved the victory that it did. It was because each and every person on the team fought for their lives until the very end of the game that the team was able to win. The same is true for anything. No matter what the circumstances are like around you, persevere with all your might until the end. What you do until then is directly connected to what happens in the end. I ask that Team JIT work together as one and persevere until the very end.

However, there are no decisive moments – or “homeruns,” if you will – in a person’s life. Rather than looking for one defining moment, work ahead step by step. Do not give up and remember to treasure the present.


水曜日, 7月 22nd, 2009


Putting Customers First

I recently participated in a study course where I once again learned many things about sales. One of the most important things I studied this time was about the customers who are using JIT products at this very moment. Of course it is important to attract new customers; however, the most important thing is to ensure that our current customers are happy with and devoted to JIT products. If we can do this, then it is from there that we will attract new customers. How well are we contributing to customers’ peace of mind? to their satisfaction? How often do we get repeat customers? We must put ourselves in the customers’ shoes and act in a way that will bring them happiness.

Customers are our number one priority. Never forget to be grateful to the customer and always be thinking and acting in ways that will bring even greater contentment to the customer.


火曜日, 7月 21st, 2009



For Every Mountain There is a Valley

For every mountain, there is always a valley. Just like nature, humans’ lives also contain low and high points.

Several years ago we experienced our greatest sales record. However, shortly after we experienced a period known as the “Triple Pinch.” If I think back on it now, I believe that it was our focus simply on making a product rather than on its quality that prompted God to give us trials in order that we might realize our shortcomings. To be frank, it was at this time that I thought, “This is it.” It is precisely because my employees did not give up and instead worked as hard as they could that JIT exists today. I am grateful to my employees, to my family, and to my friends. “Thank you!”

There is no such thing as a life without valleys. If there are good times there will be bad times. The question of whether or not you will succeed is determined by whether or you not can persevere during the bad times and be thankful and continue to work hard during the good times. Failures will become successes.

At the beginning of the baseball season this year, Ichiro was said to be at the lowest point in his career. However, he is now marked at the highest point he has ever achieved. This is the result of refusing to give up and battling through the difficult times. Please, everyone, do the same. No matter how bad the situation, grit your teeth and struggle forward. The effort you put in now will become your strength.