平成20年度 永年勤続優良従業員表彰式典の席で、対象者の表彰を受けたジットグループの社員は全員が参列し、大きな声ではっきりと返事と挨拶ができていたとお褒めの言葉をいただきました。返事や挨拶をすることは、当たり前のことですが、会社の宣伝でジットが取り上げられるのではなく、社員が褒めていただいたことはとても嬉しかったです。日ごろから当たり前のことが当たり前にできている表彰された皆さんに感謝いたします。ありがとうございます。
Recently, at the award ceremony for employees who throughout the past year demonstrated continous and excellent service, all those JIT employees who were to receive an award attended the ceremony and spoke in loud, clear voices. Although it is common to greet someone or to reply to something someone has said, I was happy that it was not through advertising that JIT was noticed but rather through its employees. I am grateful for your treatment of even the ordinary aspects of life such as these. Thank you.
“A Corporation is People”
Three years ago, JIT began to emphasize more particularly employee training and now devotes great amounts of time and money toward this goal. Rather than spend the money on advertising, we put our efforts into training in the hope that humanity will be enhanced and that employees will understand the strength and true value of human beings, a value that goes beyond money. For it is people who make things. It is people who conceive of ideas. Everything is connected to people.
The difference between doing something after being told and doing something voluntarily lies in “awareness.” It is my hope that my employees will voluntarily participate in training and study courses. I am happy when people notice and understand themselves and hope that my employees will frequently submit requests for study programs.
A Chance Amidst Crises
Currently, many of Japan’s corporations are facing bankruptcy, causing a situation already serious to become even more severe. However, if people are prepared and have a sense of the danger, they will be able to survive this intense time.
In fact, it is specifically because of the current situation that JIT has a chance. Everyone’s hard work has finally taken shape and the sale of DoubleJet has begun. This truly is JIT’s greatest opportunity and I feel it was fate that JIT was able to complete the work for DoubleJet during this time. I hope that people around the world will use DoubleJet and it is for their happiness that we will continue to place importance on the quality of our products.
When a problem arises, it is important to firmly recognize the problem and, through claims, ensure that the same problem does not occur. However, there are times when you receive claims from customers due to their own misunderstanding but at such times it is important for an employee to put himself in the customer’s place and deal with the customer’s problem in a heartfelt manner. For example, the other day we received a letter and stamps from one of our customers who had talked to such an employee.
There are people who would betray others; however, they are only 10% of the population. The other 90% are honest and warm and trustworthy.
Lately there have been various scandals but people cannot live alone. It is through the presence and support of those we live with and those around that we are able to survive. It is my hope today that you feel the warmth of those around you and that you go through the day with a smile on your face.