



思い、方向が違う人は別の道を行く。それは、その人のためでもあり、会社のためでもあります。『チームジット』は“ジット魂”が全てです。ジットに関わる全ての人が家族 だからこそ、家族全員が幸せになる為に厳しく優しく、熱く接します。


ジットグループはいくつかの事業部にわかれているが、外部から見れば営業も製造も業務もセレモニーも全てが“ジット”。みんなが自分の事よりも周りのひとのこと、自分のあとに作業する人のことを考えて行動していかなければならないと思った。 社員の親族の葬儀が別の会社で執り行われていることを聞いたセレモニー部長は「自分の息子の誕生日会が他の家で行われて、それに呼ばれていくくらい悲しい」と話していた。それだけ幹部の方たちは部下である私たちのことを子どものように、家族のように思ってくれている気持ちが伝わり、嬉しいと思うとともに、それに応えられていない自分を恥ずかしく思った。『チームジット』、そして家族として一人一人がお互いを思いやり、コミュニケーション、報連相を密にしていきたいと感想をくれました。



“Team JIT”

This past week, through my own carelessness, I let my health deteriorate. The fault is entirely mine as this year I worked every day without taking even one day of vacation. Moreover, the day after returning from an overseas business trip I continued my business meetings, this time going to Kyushu. I pushed myself to an unreasonable level and in doing so caused those around me to worry. Moreover, because of my carelessness, others were forced to alter their plans.

While I was sick, I thought seriously about how up until now, I only let myself go during the New Year’s and Golden Week vacation periods and realized that a person who cannot take care or sustain his own body cannot properly care for or sustain a company. While I am not regretful, from now on I will schedule my time based on my body as a foundation and the idea that I must not overtax myself or push myself to such an unreasonable level. I am so very sorry for causing trouble and worry to all of you.

However, this experience also caused me to realize how incredibly grateful I am for things that I often take for granted: the ability to talk, the ability to walk on my own, the tenderness of my family and friends, care from my colleagues and superiors and, in particular this time, the morning assembly reports from my employees, through which I was often moved to tears.

None of this was an accident but rather a test or opportunity for study to realize and appreciate the normal everyday actions of those around me. I am grateful to those around me and to God as well. Thank you so very much.

I am grateful for the courage and spirit demonstrated by the managers at JIT during my recent absences. I feel that my inability to participate in the company-wide Monday morning assembly was a chance from God for the managers to take a more central role. Rather than “Team JIT” being merely something that I want or try to make happen, from now on the managers will be at the heart of this endeavor. In my absence, the entire employee body still met for morning assembly where the managers expressed many passionate ideas. As I have said before, I believe that communication born not out of an aptitude for work but rather a connection of hearts is the most important part of life.

I will unconditionally strive to bring happiness to everyone connected to JIT. I will make “Team JIT” a group that causes pride and passion to well up in the hearts of all JIT employees and their families.

Whether the economy is good or bad does not matter: JIT will not be defeated by adversity. As I said before, it is in adversity that humans experience their greatest growth for there is no choice but to either stand and face the challenge or run away. It seems that the world will face a deep slump next year. However, “Team JIT” anticipates a record high in both the number of its personnel as well as its sales profits. All will be decided in the next year for JIT and its employees.

Humans do not all follow the same path. Our differening opinions and associations cause us to take different paths than those around us will follow. This is also true for companies.

“Team JIT” represents the entirety of the JIT spirit. Everyone connected with JIT is family and it is for their happiness that we passionately and relentlessly push each person to the best of his ability.

I feel that we have achieved what I and the managers so passionately hoped for: that being that all employees who heard our ideas for “Team JIT” have banded together to achieve that dream. One person alone cannot change a crisis into an opportuntiy. However, if all of us work together as a team – as Team JIT – we will without fail be able to turn this time of struggle into an opportunity. I strongly feel that I also must work with all my might toward this goal. I feel that employees are constantly looking ahead, be it to one year or 3 years in the future, and are giving their all toward the future.

If employees are not proud of JIT and do not have faith in it, if they do not share the thoughts and strong points of this company with their relatives, then customers will not feel at peace with us and will not want to work with us. If the employees of JIT and JIT Ceremony, as members of the same family, do not connect more, do not trust each other more, and do not continue to work hard, we will not succeed.

Thoughts from a JIT Employee
One employee, after great thought about Team JIT and feeling the lack in communication amongst JIT’s employees, decided to be more proactive in making connections with his colleagues, whether they be his superiors or regular coworkers. According to this employee, if our staff does not communicate the founding and continuing ideals of JIT Ceremony, being as it is part of Team JIT, none of us will succeed. The final point of this employee’s message was that we should brace ourselves and persevere:

“After hearing how about the passion with which the managers spoke, I realized that until this point I thought of little beyond my own post. Even if a problem occurred, in some respects I felt it had little relationship to myself and failed to treat it as my own problem. To use the analogy of a game of tug-of-war: if you are alone, whether you struggle or not does not matter. You will lose. I recently heard that a person is able to win only if the people around him are all striving in the same direction; therefore, it is important that all of us strive for the target. Although the JIT group can be broken into various parts, if looking at it from an outsider’s perspective all of these parts form one JIT. Rather than focusing on ourselves, we must things of those around and their work. As one of the managers of JIT Ceremony said after hearing that the funeral service of one of JIT’s employees was handled by a different company: “If my son’s birthday party took place at someone else’s house, I would feel terrible. Such is the level of sorrow I feel at this.” Yet although I was happy to see that JIT’s managers treated those below them as their children and thought of their colleagues as family, I was nevertheless embarrassed at my inability to respond. It is my hope that each member of the JIT family will sympathize with each other and value communication. JIT and JIT Ceremony may be separate companies but they are the same group.”

I would like to express my sincere pleasure at these words from this employee who seeks to work together as a member of Team JIT.

JIT is a family. Until now, development has been development, manufacturing has been manufacturing, trade has been trade, and Ceremony has been Ceremony. Horizontal and selfish connections have been weak. In such an evironment, it has been difficult for JIT to succeed. However, JIT will now seeks to be a place where everyone works together as one and where things that cannot be accomplished alone are possible through the power of one’s colleagues. We have employees who will not lose to either themselves or their superiors, who communicate with those around them and who treat all problems as if they were their own.

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