



Guideline for Action
How do I convey my thoughts and feelings? To me, there is no choice but to convey the policies and spirit of JIT through what I say, what I write, and what I do. This is my mission.

The first code of conduct at JIT says that “I will carry out normal work in a normal fashion.” Of course there will be times when we fail to follow the principles of JIT; however, in order for all employees to be following the same course, the princples have been established as our guideline for action.

Sense of Crisis
In the midst of this current world-wide economic slump, JIT employees do not seem to feel deeply enough the sense of crisis. The problems that occurred in DoubleJet occurred because employees did not fully feel the crisis. All across Japan, companies are laying off employees. If you do not always feel this sense of danger and fear, you will not survive.

Years ago I met the founder of Matsushita Electric, Mr. Matsushita Kounosuke. This was a meeting that I will never forget. Mr. Matsushita told me that although at the time Matsushita Electric had developed into a large company, he still felt worried and uneasy about the future of his company and the faulty products that had been sent to customers. His fear was so great every night that he was rarely able to sleep. When the company went bankrupt, it had a tremendous effect on associated companies and put many of its former workers in the streets. JIT employees do not have enough of a sense of this danger. The second code in our Codes of Conduct states that it is important to always have a sense of impending crisis for if you have that fear, you will think of a task’s level of priority and then how to accomplish it.

The majority of faults in a product are caused by people. If people are satisfied, they will not continue to grow. It is those who have this sense of fear and unease that are able to act. To say it plainly: please communicate you feelings to your partner then act. Even if you make a mistake, it is important to not repeat the same action or receive the same warning. I ask that all of my employees feel this sense of danger, act in according with our codes of conduct, and pay close attention to the quality of our products. And I shall use all my strength to communicate my thoughts and feelings to all of you.

2 Responses to “行動指針”

  1. ma-shi Says:

    社長ブログを読ませていただいております。社長には追いつくことはできませんが少しでも近づく努力をして行きたいと思います。もうひとつ私が読んでいる社長日記を紹介します。「ハタ コンサルタント㈱代表取締役 降籏」さんが発信しています。HPはhttp://www.hata-web.com/です。石坂社長と共感する部分が多々ありますので、是非閲覧してほしいと思います。

  2. ishizaka Says:


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