








2008 Eco Products Exhibition

This past week, JIT participated in the 2008 Eco Products exhibition (Tokyo, Dec. 11~13th) in which JIT was able to participate Although I was only able to attend for a short time, I truly enjoyed myself.

As I walked around the exhibition, looking at booths of various companies, it struck me that humans are like these booths in that both have put up walls around themselves. In the case of humans, it is a way to shut oneself away from others. But I believe it is important to remove this shell, to be yourself, to be human.

Looking back at this year’s display, there were many points that bear reconsideration. Why did JIT participate in this year’s exhibition? We cannot be happy merely because we participated.

It is people who are the core. Contrary to many of the companies who put a lot of money into their booths, JIT emphasized its employees’ “smile, attitude, and voice” in their interaction with those who visited our booth. Nevertheless, we hope to create an even better booth next year.

I would here like to compare “Team JIT” to a number one baseball team wherein the sales personnel and internet staff are our main players. In order to be a steady force, the quality needs to be checked and support needs to be given. Manufacturing produce good products and accounting, HR, and general affairs will all work hard for our sales personnel. Sales must, therefore, absolutely accomplish their goals.

We are currently in the process of recruiting personnel for our DoubleJet factory. However, if DoubleJet is not successful, those workers will not be necessary. Although obtaining a patent is a common enough thing, it took us three years of struggle to finally get the patent for DoubleJet. Why were were finally successful? It is because success was our objective. The people who are successful in life are those who work ceaselessly until they achieve success. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, will give up, blaming their failures on those around them and their circumstances.

During the interviews before bonuses are handed out, I hope to be able to tell everyone, “You worked hard. Well done.” In order for work to become my employee’s raison d’etre, for JIT’S revenue to be a source of happiness for them, I will be an even stronger leader. If there is someone with a different objective here, small problems will become large problems. One by one, we must achieve our objectives and today, just as every other day, stress the importance of quality in our products.

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