
私たちが今、こうして生きていられるのは、両親がいて、先祖があるからです。だから、先祖に感謝することは大事なことです。会社も、『創業の精神』があるから『経営理念』ができました。夢があるから人生があるのです。『経営理念』があるから会社があるのです。私は、あと何年かすれば命は尽きてしまいます。しかし、このジットグループがある限り、『創業の精神』 『経営理念』は永遠に続きます。『創業の精神』 『経営理念』は、会社の先祖です。

社員の皆さんは、この『創業の精神』 『経営理念』をしっかり心から覚えるようにしてください。まだ覚えられていない人は、会社の先祖である、『創業の精神』 『経営理念』を“言えない”ということを、自分自身でしっかり認識してください。幹部社員が新入社員、一般社員よりも多く給料をもらっているのは、その分部下や周りに目配り、気配りをするためです。

A Heart that Cherishes Its Ancestors

The foundation of a company is the spirit with which it was established and its management principles. The reason we are here today and able to continue is because of our parents and ancestors; therefore, it is important that we are grateful to those who have gone before us.

Similarly, a company’s management principles exist because of the spirit with which the company was founded. Dreams exist because people exist. A company exists because management principles exist. I do not know when, but eventually I will cease to exist; however, as long as the JIT group exists, its founding spirit and management princples will continue. They are the company’s ancestors.

I ask that all of my employees take this to heart and do not forget it. To those that still cannot remember our slogans and creeds, please note this failing in yourself. The executives, those who earn more than the new employees or regular employees, do so because they are attentive to the things around them. They immediately do what they have been told. Hard-working people will, not matter what the task, work hard at it. People who pay attention will notice not only the big things but the trivial things as well. It is my hope that all of my employees will become such people. Today let us once again perform our duties in the spirit of these principles.

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