Your Rival is You
Many JIT employees have chosen “10-10,” a number which stands for many of JIT’s ideas, as the number for their license plates. For instance, two meanings or readings behind the number “10-10″ are: 1) the nascent period of life before birth, and 2) the morning. The former refers to the 10 months and 10 days a person is alive before he enters the world whereas the latter – whose kanji is made up of the characters “10,” “day,” “10,” and “month” – represents in early rising the virtue of frugality.
The other day I received word that one of my employees was driving while smoking, news which made me feel tremendously lonely. Even if you say that you are trying hard, the decision of such a statement’s validity is made by those around you. If you think of your family, the future, your surroundings, and yourself you should understand. It is important that all three – your partner, yourself, and those around you – are all good. Therefore, if you notice something bad, stop it immediately. Everything is dependent on you.
Although smoking is a personal choice and does not contradict good manners, at JIT, our employees are encouraged to stop smoking for the sake of both the environment and the health of those around them. No matter how much a company thinks about the environment or how many nice things it says, the actions of even just one employee can make the company’s words and thoughts meaningless. I ask that from the time you enter JIT, please keep our expectations and emphasis on obedience in mind and avoid doing things that will sully JIT’s image. Act so that anyone watching will know that JIT is a company with a great dream.
Ting-Yu and Bethany, two of our new employees, ate dinner at my house the other night and talked about the kindness they received from one of the General Affairs’ department’s managers. When I hear good things about a manager from those beneath him rather than myself or one of his superiors, I feel that he truly is a good manager. It is those around you – your family, subordinates, and fellow employees – who are the ones that evaluate you.
The other day, I had the opportunity to talk genuinely with the president of a long-established funeral company. Ten years ago when I founded JIT Ceremony I met with him but at that time could do nothing more than listen as he talked. However, in these past 10 years, he came to see my JIT Ceremony as an equal company and praised our surroundings and the service provided by our employees. Before he left, he expressed a determination to work together for the good of all those in the region. To this man I am very grateful. If we steadily and untiringly work to the utmost of our ability, I feel that our wishes will be understood. Lies destroy trust and confidence. Everyone, you are your own rival. Therefore, I ask that you all act honestly and in good faith in order that we might win the confidence of those around us.