「感謝」 「ありがとう」という言葉は、今を全力で生きている人が自然に出る言葉です。私は自分の力で生きているのではありません。使命があり、生かされているのです。この世の中に、必要でない人などいません。皆、与えられた命を、与えられた使命を果たすために生かされているのです。今を自分で一生懸命に生きていない人は気づいてください。成功しない人は全力で生きていない人です。天候、時間、人のせい、何でも言い訳にします。言い訳にするのではなく、その壁をどうやって乗り越えるか、中途半端な人には感謝の気持ち、感謝の言葉の意味はわかりません。今、自分が何をしなければいけないのか、仕事も、時間も、自分から追うものです。自分から向かっていく、一歩前に出る。仕事に追われる人は自分から動かずに指示を待つだけの人です。自分から前に出る、仕事も時間も自分から追う人は全力で生きている人です。ですから、悔いのない人生を送ることができます。そういう人は自然と感謝の気持ちが生まれ言葉に出るのです。積極的な心を持つことです。
Run Full Bore
Words such as “gratitude” or “thank you” come naturally to those who are living with all their might. I am not living by my own power. I am living by my role [in life/work]. In this world there are no worthless people. Each person lives because he has a life, a role to fulfill. Please notice those who are not living life to the best of their ability. Unsuccessfull people are those who are not living with all their might. They blame the weather, the time, or other people. People who leave things half-finished do not understand either how to overcome their obstacles or the meaning of the word “gratitude.” Look at what you have to do now and make the most of your work and your time. Go foward. People who are swamped in work are those who, rather than working on their own, have waited for instructions from others. The people who are progressing, who are making the most of the work and time are those who are living with their whole beings and therefore can live life without regrets. Such people will naturally express gratitude. They will have a positive, proactive heart.
The other day several employees e-mailed me their impressions of my television appearance. I was moved and pleased by employees who, on seeing the program, expressed a desire to work even harder. It is my role to strongly express JIT’s ideas and feelings. In order to become a company vital to Yamanashi, to Japan, and to the world, please go forward with all your might, making good use of your work and time.