The Importance of Manegerial Creeds
The other day I went to Tokyo for study. For over five and a half hours I listened to the speeches of many people. The problem in politics is that although Japan is called a third rate country, its economy is first rate. The reason for this stems from Japan’s heart and from its creeds.
I believe that the Japanese economy is unique in that many of its companies’ top employees cherish creeds. America, with its emphasis on the here and now and on results, caused this problem that currently affects the entire world. Toyota, representative of Japan, is pulling the world’s economy. A company with a firm knowledge of why it was founded, what direction it is headed in, and with creeds is a strong company. Creeds support the economy.
After looking at the data provided by a research team in Kyoto, in seems that, contrary to companies without creeds, an overwhelming number of companies with management creeds are able to avoid bankruptcy. However, there are companies that do fail despite having creeds. They are the companies in which workers only know and can say the creeds. Such companies will collapse. Companies that can explain their creeds when new employees arrive or to family and friends are strong, lasting companies. Moreover, companies in which communication among the president and the management is strong will be companies that grow and are vital to the world. The most important thing is that the president and executives are able to act according to the creeds. Companies that contradict their creeds will collapse.
Why was JIT founded? Why does JIT Ceremony exist? Why are we alive?
Your actions are important for the sake of Minami Alps City, for Yamanashi prefecture, and for Japan as well as for the sake of JIT becoming an important company. Failures at work are inevitable; however, people who speak out against the creeds or who cannot follow them are a problem. We do not need people like that.
Today I ask that you properly and energetically greet people and that you smilingly give your all in work.