先日、ジットの社内報を見て欲しい、と私の尊敬する株式会社YSKe-com 飯室社長様にお願いしました。すると、新聞社の人をわざわざ呼んでくださり、細かく小さなことまで指摘していただきました。本当にありがたく、感謝しています。有難うございます。読んでいただける人の立場になって考える。良いものはまねをする。本当に日々勉強だということを痛感致しました。もっともっと良いものを作っていくために社員と一緒に精進していきます。
Making Change
People must change every day. With the exception of our founding principles and creeds, if we do not make daily changes in everything around us, we will be useless as a company. Starting today, we are going to daily change where people stand during morning assembly. Even if the place you stand changes only a little, your perspective and the feeling around you will change. This applies to everything: life, cleaning, manufacturing, accounting, etc. Beginning today, employees will work toward daily change, increasing their awareness and changing how they work and this attention to change will soon become a habit for them. The results of this will be most visible in your ability to recognize things around you. I ask my employees, therefore, to think for yourselves as we move forward together.
The other day, I asked a person I very much respect – President Imuro of YSKe-com – to take a look at JIT’s company newsletter. I also asked a newspaper reporter to point out any problem, no matter how minute, that he noticed. I am so very grateful to these two people. Thank you very much. It is important to think about things from the perspective of others and to mimic the good that you see. Therefore, we are focused on daily study. In order that we may be able to create ever better products, I will work dilligently with my all of my employees.
Everything costs money, from the return boxes that we send out to the recycled ink that we use. Even the mistakes that occur on the line cost money. It is frustrating when a problem occurs in a product and it is thrown away. Therefore, we hereby enact budgetary control in the manufacturing department and will curtail as much as possible the production of faulty products. I therefore ask my employees to have a heart that treasures the value of even just one cent or one product.
Whether I am in the office or not, please work at changing things everyday. Thank you.