『輪』  ~人と人との繋がり~ 

 8日からの出張で昨日帰ってきました。有難うございました。                                                                                                                             先週7日の土曜日から社員が、県内の営業に出ています。7日は13名の社員がヤマダ電機様3店舗、スーパーやまと様10店舗の販売応援にお伺いさせて頂きました。社員はそこで多くの方に出会い、多くのことを感じながら、多くのことを学んで帰ってきてくれたようでした。まだまだリサイクルインクのことも、ジットのことも、山梨に工場があり、山梨で生産しているということも知らないお客様がたくさんいるということを、全員が肌で感じました。実際に外に出て、店頭にお伺いして、お客様とお話したから気づけたことがたくさんありました。ジットがまだまだ知られていない現実、営業の大変さ、笑顔の大切さ、1つの商品を買って頂けたときの喜び・・少しでもお足を止めて説明を聴いてくださった皆様、「がんばってね」「今度買ってみようと思うよ」とお声をかけてくださった皆様、そして実際にインクをご購入頂いた皆様、各店舗の皆様、かかわってくださっている皆様に深く感謝致します。

 私は7日に甲斐ゼミナールの望月理事長様のご紹介で、株式会社アマノ 天野専務様とアポイントメントをお取し、、お伺いさせて頂きました。天野専務様は私が「山梨を元気にしたい。」というお話をすると即決で、導入を決めてくださいました。また、流通会という山梨県内の大手スーパー様が入っておられる会でも、ご紹介を頂けるというお話もしてくださいました。本当に感謝しております。


The Connection Between Two People

Yesterday I returned to the office for the first time in a week, having been away from the office on business since the 8th. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard during my absence.

Beginning last Saturday (March 7th), all of the employees have been going on sales calls within the prefecture. On the 7th, 13 of our employees went to 3 different Yamada Electonics’ stores and 10 Yamato Supermarkets. Many reported that they had learned a lot as they met and talked with customer after customer at these stores. Moreover, many reported that there are still many people even within our prefecture who do not know about recycled ink, JIT, our facilities in Yamanashi, or the work that is being done here. Through this experience of actually going out into the field and talking to people, my employees seem to have really learned a lot, not just that JIT is still not widely known or how hard sales really is, but also the importance of smiling and the happiness that comes from even just one customer purchasing even just one of our products. I am very grateful to all those customers who slowed down even just a little in order to hear our speech and then wished us good luck or promised to buy our ink in the future.

While my employees were out making sales calls on the 7th, I went to Kofu Seminar Hall to meet with Mr. Mochizuki and the managing director of the Amano company, Mr. Amano. With a desire to enliven Yamanashi, our relationship was quickly established. He also introduced Ryutsu supermarket, a major supermarket within Yamanashi prefecture. I am truly grateful.

All of these conversations – whether during sales calls within the prefecture or my introduction to Mr. Amano – all are the result of interpersonal relationships. I am alive because of the support of many people. As I read and listened to the reports of those employees who went on sales calls this past weekend, I was again reminded of how important the relationship between two people is. People are the core and thoughts and emotions will be absolutely communicated. With the feelings from this past sales call in our hearts, we endeavor forward in our quest to enliven Yamanashi and become a household name for many people.

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