
 昨日も社員が県内営業にでました。状況を聞くと、以前よりも買ってくださるお客様が増えたり、回収ボックスにも空のカートリッジを入れて頂いていました。本当にありがたいです。でもその一方で、1つも売ることができなかったと肩を落としている社員もいました。ジットは商品を売る前に自分を売る。恥ずかしさを捨て勇気をもち大きな声で、笑顔いっぱい元気いっぱい行動することです。1つ売ることは本当に大変なことなのです。営業を通して、1つ売ることの大変さを痛感し、1つの注文も大事にすることを学んでくれたと思います。売上を上げることということは本当に大変なことですが販売できた時の喜び、感謝の気持ち充実感は最高です。1円の大切さ1個の大事さ1秒の重み今日感じたことをしっかり今後に生かしてください。実行、行動という種を蒔いて、努力は当たり前と心をこめて育てれば必ず芽が出て、花が咲きます。地道にでも、こつこつやることが大切です。継続は力、感謝の気持ちを忘れずにこれからも、行動していきましょう。チームジット 全員が一歩前進です。まずは一歩から。

The Difficult of Sales

The other day employees once again went out on sales calls within the prefecture. From what I have heard, the number of customers who bought our cartridges was even higher this time, as was the number of cartridges returned for recycling. Thank you so very much. Contrary to this good news, however, was the story of one employee who was disheartened at not having been able to sell even one cartridge. At JIT, we seek to sell ourselves before our products. You have to get rid of any embarrassment and, in a loud, energetic voice, bravely go forward. It truly is very difficult to sell a product, even just one. I think that this employee learned how truly difficult it is to persist in sales, as well as how important even just one order is. However, within the difficulty of sales, the joy of finally making a sale as well as a sense of gratefulness and satisfaction also exist. As you go forward, please remember what you learned today about the value of one cent, one cartridge, one second. The seeds that you sow will, by hard word and careful attention, bud and flower. Steadfast, unflagging perseverance is important. Let us remember the benefits of perseverance as we proceed. Team JIT will move forward as one, one step at a time.

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