




All Employees are Salesmen

In a baseball game, there are nine people per team on the field. In order for a team to win, there is a manager, a coach, a scorer, a doctor, family members, and cheering fans. There are many supporters surrounding these nine players. Yet although all players are important and necessary, in the end the pitcher decides the outcome of a game. He is the most important. Within a company, the sales department is the pitcher. At JIT, although all of our employees are “salesmen,” if the actual sales department does not sell our products, there is no need for any other department. For this reason, it is important for all employees to go out as salesmen and sell first “humanity and oneself” and then the products. Please, everyone, realize your role as the pitcher for Team JIT and strive forward in our sales campaign.

The other day, a business diagnostics professor paid a visit to our offices and pointed out many areas in which we were lacking: failure to properly adhere to the 5S system, a poor system for receiving and shipping orders, etc. The results of the professor’s investigation will be given to the managers immediately so that we can make reforms. And while problems will certainly arise again next time, that is fine. Through them we will grow. I am constantly telling my employees that “when problems cease, so, too, will growth.” Let us daily face our problems and work diligently, continuing to study and grow.

The only thing that will not change is the spirit and ideas under which JIT was founded. All other things need change. No matter how clear the water is, when its current stops, it will, without fail, become dirty. The same is true for humans. Please make it a habit to change something every day.

I am leaving soon on a weeklong business trip. I, also, will do my part in our current sales campaign. Let’s all remember the value of one cartridge, the importance of one cent, and the preciousness of one second and, with a smile on our faces, work hard. Thank you.

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