Thorough Action
This post centers on something I realized while away on this latest business trip.
Every day that we are alive is a day we can notice problems and make revisions: this process of revision and reform is unceasing. The most important thing is to do immediately whatever can be done immediately and to do it thoroughly. Think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. Such will lead to reforms. Do not let yourself leave things incomplete. For the sake of personal growth and the happiness of friends and family, JIT employees only those people who have honest, courageous hearts and who work until the very end. Act immediately and to the point that you are told you have done enough. I will take full responsibility for any mistake resulting from action; however, those who leave things unfinished or who do not act at all are not needed here at JIT. Please be thorough in your work.
The other day I wrote a day an entry in which I compared the sales department to the pitcher in a baseball game. A loss is fine but if you do not throw the ball, if you do not attack, then it will be impossible to earn points. Sales in our ace. If the head of the sales department deviates from what the president has said, how will the team be able to earn any points? I have said this countless times before but let me say it again: failure is good. If you afraid of failing [and therefore do not act], you will not grow as a person. Please, do not lose but rather stand firm. It’s not that I don’t understand the embarassment of failure or the hesitancy to say or do anything that will cause someone to think less of you. But if you do not overcome such fears, you will not be able to grow. In order for us to not repeat our mistakes or the mistakes of others, at JIT it is the responsibility of every person to share his knowledge with those around him. Do not run from obstacles but instead overcome them.