


Even if you lose [all of] your money, if you work hard it will surely come back to you. [However,] do you know what is more troubling to lose? Faith. Faith or confidence can be lost easily but regaining it is no ordinary feat. This is because faith is the physical and spiritual connection between human beings. Once lost, this connection is very difficult to reeastablish. Please do not forget this.

There is something even more troubling to lose than faith: courage. You can do nothing once your courage is lost. Although regaining [one's] faith [in you] is difficult, if you reflect [on your actions] and sincerely act, the other person will understand. Your feelings will certainly be communicated. However, you cannot do this without courage. With courage you can face whatever comes your way. You can overcome any obstacle. You can act. Please have the courage to go forward “one step at a time.”

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