バイヤー様から、「社員のあいさつや笑顔がとてもよかった」、また「社員全員が、私でなく、きちんとエンドユーザーのことを考えて行動をしていることがとてもよく伝わってきて関心した。安心して販売できます。帰社したら一人でも多くに人にジットの製品に対する想いを伝えます。」という温かいお言葉を頂戴しました。本当に有難うございます。皆さん期待をしてくださっていることを忘れずに行動をお願いします。 嬉しいです。
Visitor to Our Factory
The other day, a buyer from another company paid our offices a visit. His visit to our factory made me very happy. To this buyer who came from so far away: thank you.
The heads of our QC and manufacturing departments thoroughly explained not only about our products but also about our company. In October of 2007, JIT moved into its new location [here in Minami Alps]. Our new offices and plant were designed as a showroom so that many people could experience JIT for themselves: seeing through their own eyes, hearing with their own ears, and feeling through their own skin. More than anything, I want people to see our employees. I would be very happy if people could know for themselves how our products are made: what kind of people are making them, what kind of thoughts go into each product, and how each product is made. I believe that such an experience would provide customer’s with at least a little peace of mind and would lead them to purchase more from us.
Over 100 customers visit our factory in a year. Please, everyone, visit our factory once and feel for yourself [what JIT is].
The buyer who recently visited our offices told me that “the greetings and smiles from the employees were great;” moreover, he could feel strongly that “when making the cartridges, the employees do not think only of the buyer but also of the end user. I feel safe buying from JIT. Once I return to my company, I will tell many people about JIT and its products.” I am so very grateful to this man. Please do not forget the hopes and expectations [of people such as this buyer] as you go about your work. I am happy.
6月 9th, 2009 at 13:05:49
6月 9th, 2009 at 13:06:18