


The Price of Hardship

Those who work hard are always rewarded and supported by those around them. Do not think. Just act. Stand strong particularly in the face of difficulties. If you do nothing, you will experience neither hardship nor embarrassment. However, without these nothing [in your life] will change. You will acquire nothing. When you fail or are scolded, before you think about what you should do, act. If you truly are working hard, you will move the hearts of those around you. If you work hard to communicate your thoughts and feelings, they will surely be felt by those listening. Humans are creatures who want to do things. No matter what the situation, in the end it all boils down to the connections between and among people.

There is a saying in Japanese that, roughly translated, says, “You buy your future through the hardships of your youth.” I believe this. The part of one’s body that undergoes hardship is the part that becomes strong. When there is a hardship blocking your way, how hard will you work [to overcome it]? Can you fight without losing to your weak self? The hard work you put in now will bear fruit in the future: it will never betray you. Please be daring and diligent in your work.

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